
Showing posts from December, 2020

1946 Arab anti semitism

 Anti-Semitism as anti-Zionism, circa 1946 The Arab world has a long history of cloaking a hatred of Jews in the noble garb of anti-colonialism APR 28, 2016, 10:55 AM Norman Goda Anti-Semitism as anti-Zionism, circa 1946 The Arab world has a long history of cloaking a hatred of Jews in the noble garb of anti-colonialism APR 28, 2016, 10:55 AM Seventy years ago this month, a committee of 12 scholars and statesmen completed an 80-page report that is all but forgotten today. The Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry Regarding the Problems of European Jewry and Palestine, consisting of six British and six American members, was a British idea. Under pressure from President Harry Truman to allow 100,000 Jewish survivors in Europe’s DP camps to emigrate to the British Mandate, Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin proposed the joint committee as a way to outflank the White House. Between January and March 1946, the Committee heard testimony in Washington, London, numerous sites in Europe, the Arab...

Criticism of Philip Mattar

 Criticism of Philip Mattar === Asian and African Studies - Volume 23 - 1989 - Page 302 When Mattar discusses the Mufti's support for the extermination of European Jewry he mainly refers to Zionist accusations of incriminating letters sent by al-Hajj Amin to some Nazi leaders. He refers to the version of those letters that are found in Israel's State Archives and notes that the Zionist documents against the Mufti were not taken seriously by the British (p . 106). He has ignored, however, al-Hājj Amin's own provision of copies of his correspondance with Himmler, Ribbentrop and their likes, in the early-1970s version of his memoirs. The Muftī had claimed that those letters - designated to prevent East - European Jewish refugees from coming to Palestine and suggest instead their transfer to death - camps in Poland were a legitimate act in the Arab struggle against the Jewish National Home in Palestine.... [Akhir Sa'a 8 November 1972] Yet one wonders about the absence of ce...

Palestinian Leaders Source Of Affliction, they Lost The Land Sold Their People

Palestinian Leaders Source Of Affliction, they Lost The Land... Sold Their People Jun 24, 2018 By Ahmed al-Jarallah Editor-in-chief, the Arab Times WHEN failures engulf the most rightful case in the world, it is a no brainer for them to end in failure. This applies to the Palestinian case in which the elites have been the source of the affliction of their people throughout the past century, starting with how they dealt with the Balfour Declaration through the Arab denial mentality and then aligning themselves with the losing side — the Ottoman Empire. At the time, the Palestinian leaders opted to move against the major power and drag the British colonialist into the battlefield by attacking its soldiers and boycotting its administration, in addition to accusing anyone who talked to Britain of being a mercenary or traitor. Throughout the 37 decisive years between Balfour Declaration and the United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine, the Palestinian leaders dealt with the me...

Shukairy removal 1962, author Hart

Parker T. Hart, "Saudi Arabia and the United States: Birth of a Security Partnership," Indiana University Press, 1998, p.167 He had managed in 1962 to send on vacation ” the headstrong Saudi UN permanent representative , Ahmad Shukairi. Under King Saud, Shukairi had been accustomed to largely having his own way in representing Saudi positions before the United Nations. These were consistently anti-British (Saud had broken relations with Britain over the 1956 Suez War) and highly critical of US policy on matters relating to Palestine and Israel. Representations by Shukairi on these matters were part of his standing duties, but the language he used was fiery and often extreme. Faisal replaced him on an acting basis with a venerable family retainer, Jamil Baroody, a man totally devoted to Faisal.

Shemesh wrong re fired Shukairy

 Israel Studies: IS. - Volume 8. 2003, p.80 itted that even the Egyptians, who were busy licking their own wounds, refused to offer him support ... At the end of World War II he changed his political colors and linked up with Musa al-Alami, an associate of the Mufti Amin al-Husseini. From July to November 1945 he was sent by Alami to open an Arab information bureau in Washington. ... was famous for his unrestrained ranting against Israel. The Arab world's and the Palestinians' lack of sympathy toward him — especially after the Arabs' defeat — also helped get the message accepted.  In face of this information campaign no Arab dared assist him. Shuqayri himself admitted that even the Egyptians, who were busy licking their own wounds, refused to offer him support.  Shafiq al-Hut's observation (see above) bears witness to the Arab leaders' unsympathetic reaction to Shuqayri's speech at the Khartoum Summit. In his memoirs Shuqayri attempted to blunt the sting of the ...

Jamil Baroody - Syrian

The Quest for World Order: Perspectives of a Pragmatic Idealist Tommy Thong Bee Koh, Institute of Policy Studies (Singapore) Institute of Policy Studies, 1998, p.374 So did the famous Ambassador of Saudi Arabia , Jamil Baroody . Ambassador Baroody was actually a Syrian Christian . He was close to the Saudi royal family . He had served at the UN since the beginning and was a walking encyclopaedia ...

Biased Gilbert Achcar's forced admission on Ahmad Shukeiri's 1967

  ANTI ISRAEL GILBERT ACHCAR PROPAGABDIST WITH A CLEAR AGENDA In their critical critique of Gilbert Achcar, Professors Matthias Kunzel and Colin Meade conclude: "this is a book in which an author from the political left seeks to protect the dogmas of Western anti-Zionism from the reality of Arab antisemitism." They also highlight his misrepresentation about Arab Antisemitism and Arab Holocaust denial In the Straightjacket of Anti-Zionism A critical review of Gilbert Achcar’s The Arabs and the Holocaust by Matthias Küntzel and Colin Meade (Sep.2011)  -  Matthias Küntzel and Colin Meade critically review Gilbert Achcar’s ‘The Arabs and the Holocaust’ By David Hirsh, SPME, October 2, 2011 Achcar also bashes noted historian from Princeton University, Bernard Lewis, who wrote about the history of Nazism and Arab anti-Semitism.  " Gilbert Achcar's Anti-Zionism of Fools" by Cinnamon Stillwell and Rima Greene FrontPage Magazine November 10, 2011 From a wider...

Shukeiri removed

 Near East Report, Volumes 5-6, Isaiah L. Kenen, Near East Report, Incorporated, 1962, p.97 Exhibit A   Ahmad Shukairy, Saudi Arabia's UN delegate, has urged the United Nations to endorse and spread the ideas of the savage anti-Semitic Tacuara the irresponsible neo-Nazi youth movement in Argentina. The National Jewish Monthly, Volume 77, B'nai B'rith., 1962, p.1 The worst statement was made by Ahmad Shukairy, of Saudi Arabia. He said that Argentina should be saluted because of its violently anti-Jewish youth organization... This was too much even for Saudi Arabia's king Faisal who removed Shukairy from his UN post.

תמונות שוקיירי


POLAR OPPOSITES: Dr. Anwar Shukeiri VS his brother Ahmad Shukeiri (Shukairy / Shuqairy)

POLAR OPPOSITES: Dr. Anwar Shukeiri VS his brother Ahmad Shukeiri (Shukairy / Shuqairy) Dr. Anwar Shukeiri, at the age of 29, was assassinated on June 8, 1939 [1] by Mufti Haj Amin al-Husseini's Abu Mahmoud band, [2]  by tricking him, rushing him out by lying to him his wife was ill. [3] Reason: for speaking out against the radical Mufti and following his moderate father As'ad Shukeiri. He was a leader at the short lived Palestine Defense Party [4] .  An investigation showed his brother Ahmad Shukeiri was also involved in his murder. [5] Ahmad Shukeiri, allied himself with the Mufti, escaped with him [6] to Beirut and helped his propaganda 1938-39 [7] .  He testified that he and all who surrounded him prayed for Hitler's victory. [8] Ahmad Shukeiri helped the Nazis,  [9][10]  at least since Russia entered the war in 1941 [11][12]. In 1946, he and another Nazi helper Jamal Husseini had justified the Holocaust. [13] In the UN he has spread anti-Jewish hatred [1...

Shukairy november 1959

 Harris O. Schoenberg, "A Mandate for Terror: The United Nations and the PLO", Shapolsky Publishers, 1989, p.292 A Mandate For Terror By 1959 ash-Shuqairy had been appointed an ambassador to the UN from Saudi Arabia. In November of that year he attended a meeting in New York of Arab diplomats called by Abdel Khalek Hassouna, Secretary-General of the Arab League , to assess how Arab propaganda was faring in the United States. At this meeting, ash-Shuqairy is reported to have suggested that the Arab representatives try to drive a wedge between Jews in the United States and other Americans. Back at the United Nations, ash -Shuqairy tried to isolate the Jewish people at the global level.  In a record-breaking seven hour speech to the General Assembly in the Fall of 1961, he tried to cast suspicion upon Jewish communities around the world by attacking both Zionism and the concept of the Diaspora, the Jewish exile from the land of Israel. American Jews were singled out and accused ...


John B. Judis, "Genesis: Truman, American Jews, and the Origins of the Arab/Israeli Conflict", Macmillan, 2014, p. 217 The Zionists had welcomed the Anglo- American Committee to Pal- estine, and lobbied them energetically outside the hearings and during their tour of Palestine. By contrast, the Palestinian Arabs, outside of a few sumptuous meals at the homes of notables, made little effort to win over the committee. Testifying in Jerusalem, Palestine's Arabs employed a strident, abusive, and inflated rhetoric. Labor leader Sami Taha charged that Zionism was "an imperialist trick" that Zionists were using the Holocaust to justify. "Zionism," he said, "is an auxiliary instrument of imperialism, racism and Nazism. Jamal Husseini described Zionists as “pampered ... spiilt children of the British government. He threatened war if Jews were allowed to immigrate. “Why should not we have this war?” he explained. “It is quite natural. This is God's way....

Anwar Shukeiri אנואר שוקיירי

 أنور الشقيري 1939-06-11_157.pdf - Jewish Telegraphic Agency Dr. Anwer Shukeiri, a leader of the Palestine Defense Party, was shot dead last night in Acre. ACRE PHYSICIAN SHOT RY ARAB ⁨⁨The Palestine Post, June⁩⁩ 9 יוני 1939 Acre, Thursday. - Dr. Anwar Shukeiri, a young physician was shot and instantly killed by an Arab assailant... Mr. Shukeiri was known to be a supporter and son of one of the main backers of the Nashashibi Party in Northern Palestine. Annotated Supreme Court Judgments [Palestine] - Volume 1 - Palestine. Supreme Court, S. Bursi, 1941, Page 52 JUDGMENT: The Appellant was charged at the Haifa Assizes with the premeditated murder of Dr. Anwar Shukeiri on the 8th of June, 1939, at Acre. He was charged incidentally with four other persons. The other four were acquitted, and this Ap...


Dr. Anwar Shukeiri, at the age of 29, was assassinated on June 8, 1939 by Mufti Haj Amin al-Husseini's Abu Mahmoud band. Tricking him, rushing him out by lying to him his wife was ill. , ffg or speaking out against the radical Mufti and following his moderate father As'ad Shukeiri. Whereas his brother, Ahmad Shukeiri, allied himself with the Mufti, escaped with him to Beirut and helped his propaganda 1938-39, , he testified that he and all who surrounded him prayed for Hitler's victory.


  מהסופרים ד. דלין, ג.פ. רוטמן{{הערה| [ David G. Dalin , ‎ John F. Rothmann , "I con of Evil: Hitler's Mufti and the Rise of Radical Islam", (2008) p. 119 ] {{: {{ציטוט|בשנת 1978, למשל, בעיצומה של הפעילות הפוליטית סביב הפסגה הדיפלומטית ההיסטורית בקמפ דייוויד בהשתתפות ג'ימי קרטר, מנחם בגין ואנואר אל סאדאת, הכחשת השואה שנמצאה על ידי הדיפלומט הערבי הפלסטיני עיסא נח'לה מצאה ביטוי פומבי במזכר.  הוגש לנשיאים קרטר וסאדאת על ידי הדיפלומט הערבי הפלסטיני עיסא נח'לה, אחד מאנשיו ושותפיו הקרובים ביותר של המופתי ומכחיש שואה ...}}