Criticism of Philip Mattar

 Criticism of Philip Mattar


Asian and African Studies - Volume 23 - 1989 - Page 302

When Mattar discusses the Mufti's support for the extermination of European Jewry he mainly refers to Zionist accusations of incriminating letters sent by al-Hajj Amin to some Nazi leaders. He refers to the version of those letters that are found in Israel's State Archives and notes that the Zionist documents against the Mufti were not taken seriously by the British (p . 106). He has ignored, however, al-Hājj Amin's own provision of copies of his correspondance with Himmler, Ribbentrop and their likes, in the early-1970s version of his memoirs. The Muftī had claimed that those letters - designated to prevent East - European Jewish refugees from coming to Palestine and suggest instead their transfer to death - camps in Poland were a legitimate act in the Arab struggle against the Jewish National Home in Palestine....

[Akhir Sa'a 8 November 1972]

Yet one wonders about the absence of certain items from his bibliographical list: ' Arif al -- Ārif's al - Nakba , Ahmad Shuqayri's memoirs ( particularly ' Arba'ün ' āma fī al - ḥayāt al - ' arabiyya wa'l - dawliyya ) , ' Alī al - Muḥāfaça's al' Alaqāt al - almaniyya al - filassiniyya 1841–1945 , ` Ajāj Nuwayhid's articles on the Mufti in Adib , Martin Kamer's Islam Assembledp[ and Francis Nicosia's The Third Reich and the Palestine Question. There are also other works such as Kupferschmidt's (previously mentioned) or Khayriyya Qasimiyya's Mudhakkirāt Fawzi al - Qawuqjī , that are mentioned in the bibliography but are scarcely – if at all referred to in the study's end notes .


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