John B. Judis, "Genesis: Truman, American Jews, and the Origins of the Arab/Israeli Conflict", Macmillan, 2014, p. 217

The Zionists had welcomed the Anglo- American Committee to Pal- estine, and lobbied them energetically outside the hearings and during their tour of Palestine.

By contrast, the Palestinian Arabs, outside of a few sumptuous meals at the homes of notables, made little effort to win over the committee. Testifying in Jerusalem, Palestine's Arabs employed a strident, abusive, and inflated rhetoric. Labor leader Sami Taha charged that Zionism was "an imperialist trick" that Zionists were using the Holocaust to justify. "Zionism," he said, "is an auxiliary instrument of imperialism, racism and Nazism.

Jamal Husseini described Zionists as “pampered ... spiilt children of the British government. He threatened war if Jews were allowed to immigrate. “Why should not we have this war?” he explained. “It is quite natural. This is God's way."

Ahmad al-Shukeiri, who staffed the Arab League's Jerusalem office, warned that "if it is a question of degree of violence, the Arabs are prepared to break the record." ... (After World War II, Ben-Gurion would regularly advise his colleagues to “rely on the Mufti” to ...

By the time the hearings closed, the committee members had heard a compelling case for Jewish immigration and against either a Jewish or an Arab state. The Committee Proposals After Jerusalem, ...


Palestine, Volumes 3-6, 1946, p.135

Notes on the Palestine Situation 


At a conference for the foreign press Sayyid Ahmad Shukeiri, Director of the Jerusalem Arab Office, commenting on President Truman's last letter to Mr. Atlee with regard to Jewish immigration to Palestine, said... "...I would have thought that this latest declaration was made by one of the great Nazi leaders who had escaped prosecution at Nuremberg."



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