Shukairy removal 1962, author Hart

Parker T. Hart, "Saudi Arabia and the United States: Birth of a Security Partnership," Indiana University Press, 1998, p.167

He had managed in 1962 to send on vacation ” the headstrong Saudi UN permanent representative , Ahmad Shukairi.
Under King Saud, Shukairi had been accustomed to largely having his own way in representing Saudi positions before the United Nations. These were consistently anti-British (Saud had broken relations with Britain over the 1956 Suez War) and highly critical of US policy on matters relating to Palestine and Israel. Representations by Shukairi on these matters were part of his standing duties, but the language he used was fiery and often extreme. Faisal replaced him on an acting basis with a venerable family retainer, Jamil Baroody, a man totally devoted to Faisal.


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