
Showing posts from September, 2020

Shu tac

 Israel Hits Back at Arab Anti-semitic Calumnies at the United Nations December 7, 1962 ...  LCHARGES ARABS ARE PART OF NEO-NAZI, NEO-FASCIST INTERNATIONAL The full time chief of the Israel delegation then came to the anti-Semitic barrage which has been led here by Hussein Zulfacar Sabri, Egypt’s Deputy Foreign Minister, and Ahmad Shukairy, Saudi Arabian delegation chairman backed by a half-dozen other Arab spokesmen. He referred also to Shukairy’s endorsement of the anti-Semitic TACUARA movement in Argentina and his call for “adoption” of Tacuara by the United Nations. He told the committee: “What surprises one is that the cry of Nazism is raised by those whose associations with it make them so vulnerable.” Mr. Comay alluded to the fact that Egypt has given “key” positions to former SS officers, especially in its propaganda apparatus against Israel and against Jews. He told of the many thousands of survivors from the Nazi holocaust who finally found refuge in Israel and said:...

Triki anti zionism..

 patriotismo y  lealtades. Jaim Grinberg. 1964 ¡Preámbulo  No es casualidad que la Federación Universitaria Sionista de Sudamérica inicie la publicación de los folletos que constituirán su Biblioteca Ideológica con un opúsculo relativo al así llamado "problema de la doble lealtad".  La pluma del fino estilista judeo-americano Jaim Grinberg  dilucida y aclara en el presente ensayo ese viejo argumento que  surge en cada época con nuevas formulaciones. La acusación  de la "doble lealtad" judia, que es repetida con un espíritu totalitario embozado por quienes no comprenden la plasticidad  de la vida humana ni menos aún la especificación nacional y  cultural del pueblo judío, prende de cuando en vez incluso, curiosamente, entre los propios correligionarios.  Especial interés cobra el asunto en los días que corren. El  antisemitismo —odio al judío por el hecho de ser judío— es repudiado, al menos oficialmente, por la casi totalidad de los...

Shukairy in 1946

  SHUKAIRY IN 1946: 1. ONLY RUSSIA SHOULD DEAL WITH PALESTINE CASE. 2. WESTETN DEMOCRACY FAILED. 3. WILL NOT SIT WITH THE JEWS FOR DISCUSSION. 4. PARTITION, OUT OF THE QUESTION Political and Diplomatic History of the Arab World, 1900-1967: 1942-52 - Menahem Mansoor - NCR Microcard Editions, 1972 - Arab countries - 450 pages - Page 1 August, 1946 August 8 Ahmad Shukairy , Director of the Arab Office in Jerusalem, declared that " the Arab World is looking eagerly for the stand Moscow will take" on the Palestine problem, and he saw no reason why "America should be a party to the Palestine case and not Russia.",+declared+that+%22+the+Arab+World+is+looking+eagerly+for%22&hl=en La Grande Observer, La Grande, Oregon. Thursday, August 8, 1946. Page:Page 5 Arabs Seek Russian Aid in Preventing Holy Land Split Delegation May Be Sent to Moscow in Effort to Enlist Help Against British...


What a bigoted biased Wikipedia 'moderator' is doing. Openly outlining his point of view (POV).  As of August-September 2020, [] his own set out assignments include: 1. what he says: Rewrite "Tel Aviv and Jaffa deportation", renamed something like 1917 "evacuation" of Gaza and Jaffa ... 2. His obsessive topic about "non-Jews". A frequent subject by anti-Jewish "pubdits" as an excuse for bigotry. 3. What he says: More on how Israel presented the Eichmann operation to the world. ___ This 16 yrs anti-Israel bigoted moderator also (Sep.2020) locked the entry for Ahmad Shukairy for fear of exposing Shukairy's fighting for Hitler [ Congressional Record: Proceedings and Debates of the ... Congr...

Nazis: Sowing divisions

Amerasia; a Review of America and the Far East - Volume 7 - 1943 - Page 84-85 - (Contributor, Philip Jacob Jaffe) Amerasia, Incorporated, 1943 THE AXIS AND THE MOSLEM WORLD Nazi propaganda also promoted race-consciousness among the members of the Arab, Iranian, and Turanian (that is, Turkish) races, occasionally adding ideas of Pan-Islamic expansion into Central Asia against Soviet Russia. In countries of mixed populations, the Nazis exploited conflicts that had been previously utilized by the older imperialisms: between Moslems and Hindus in India, between the Moslems of Syria and the Christians of neighboring Lebanon, between Arabs and Jews in Palestine. They also organized, financed and armed most of the anti-Semitic and anti-British terroristic activities in Palestine and elsewhere. Personnel of the German Propaganda Machine To carry out these widespread campaigns and to prepare further infiltrations for their ultimate objectives, the Nazis needed a numerous, well-skilled and disci...

What liberation pre 1967 Shukairy

 What if the Six-Day War never took place? January 11, 2019 By Martin Sherman (JNS) ... the “Palestinian problem” is once again likely to dominate much of the inter- (and intra-) party debate. To demonstrate this, imagine for a moment that the 1967 Six-Day War never took place. Imagine that Israel had not been compelled to launch a preemptive strike in self-defense to thwart the Arabs’ openly proclaimed aim of total genocide that resulted in it taking over Judea-Samaria, which the Palestinians now contend is their long-yearned for homeland. Then ask yourself: If that war had not occurred, where would “Palestine” be? After all, but for this war, the “West Bank” would not have fallen under Israeli administration. Surely then, the Palestinians would have no grievances against the Jewish state and there would be no charges of Israel “occupying Palestinian lands” and dispossessing the “Palestinians” from their “homeland.” Sadly, this is not the case. Charges of “occupation” of Palestini...


 ==World War II== At the outbreak of war in 1939, Neo-Destour leaders, though still untried, were deported to France. However, they were released by the Nazis in 1942 following the German occupation of Vichy France, and, since Hitler handed them over to the fascist government in Rome. There the leaders were treated with deference, the fascists hoping to gain support for the Axis. Bourguiba steadily refused to cooperate. <ref></ref> But Hussein Triki worked with the Nazis under Neo-Destour.<ref name=jta></ref> After allies' advance, he escaped to Europe, there he worked for ''The Mahgreb'', a North African Arabic organization working for the Nazis' war machine against the allies.<ref name=jta/><ref>


Arab Propagandist, Ousted by Argentina, Now in Venezuela March 8, 1977 According to the ADL official, Triki’s Nazi leanings date back to World War II when he belonged to the “Neo-Destour,” an organization in Tunisia, which operated with the consent of German authorities during the Nazi occupation. He also did propaganda work against the Allies in collaboration with the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, who was in charge of Nazi broadcasts to the Middle East, and with pro-Nazi Arab emigres in Germany. The Jews of Argentina: From the Inquisition to Perón - Page 255 - Robert Weisbrot, ‎Robert Murciano - 1979 Under the guidance of Hussein Triki , one of the Arab League's top officers, the Argentine branch required scarcely a decade to become the major source of anti-semitic literature in the nation. Triki had had ample preparation for his work in Argentina. During the Second World War, he had collabor...

Biased wiki mod

  What a biased Wikipedia moderator is doing. POV Including: Rewrite  Tel Aviv and Jaffa deportation , renamed something like  1917 evacuation of Gaza and Jaffa  primarily using Mazza, Ben-Bassat and Friedman. Add better description to  Tegart's Wall  based on the sources mentioned on the talk page. Especially fix the false claim that the fence was on the border. Harris on  Ziklag . Moshe Pearlman  needs fleshing out. More on how Israel presented the  Eichmann  operation to the world.

Hussein Triki

Congressional Record: Proceedings and Debates of the ... Congress, Volume 111, Part 12 United States. Congress U.S. Government Printing Office, 1965  Summer 1964: In Argentina, Hussein Triki, traveled through Argentina delivering lectures sharply attacking Judaism and charging that the Jews were planning a "Zionist America."  May 12, 1964, Nacion Arabe, a newspaper published in Buenos Aires by Hussein Triki, contained a front-page anti-Jewish caricature showing a claw bearing the Star of David attempting to seize Argentina. .. April 27, 1964: The Argentine Arab Youth Movement distributed leaflets inviting the public to a "big demonstration in support of the Arab League.".. At the meeting, slogans such as "Long Live Hitler," "Nasser and Peron," "Jews to the Crematoria" and "Make Soap out of the Jews" were voiced by participants, many of whom were identified by their uniforms, as well as by their Nazi salute, as members of Tacua...


 In the years 1961-5 as Neo Nazis<ref name=uscongress-tacuara>[ "Congressional Record: Proceedings and Debates of the ... Congress", Volume 111, Part 12 United States. Congress] ''U.S. Government Printing Office, 1965''. ''Aptil 27, 1964: The Argentine Arab Youth Movement distributed leaflets inviting the public to a "big demonstration in support of the Arab League.".. At the meeting, slogans such as "Long Live Hitler," "Nasser and Peron," "Jews to the Crematoria" and "Make Soap out of the Jews" were voiced by participants, many of whom were identified by their uniforms, as well as by their Nazi salute, as members of Tacuara and Guardia Restauradora Nacionalista, neo-Nazi groups.''</ref><ref>Sebastian Rotella, [ "Argentine Official Quits Amid O...
REAL RACISM AND WHEN APARTHEID SLANDER WAS INVENTED BY PRO-NAZI ARAB L REAL RACISM AND WHEN APARTHEID SLANDER WAS INVENTED BY PRO-NAZI ARAB LEADER SHUKEIRI IN OCT.17.1961  - Almost 6 Years before the six-day 1967 war, and almost 41 years before the anti terror fence erection. TODAY, SO FAR: NEITHER TRUTH NOR FAIRNESS! Haven't found yet any so-called "free palestine" group which is not engaged in extreme diatribe and demonization of Israelis. But anti Jewish hatred masked as "anti Zionism" is rampant. When always loud ultra anti-Israel will begin to decry real racism and bigotry, you know, where there is no issue of defense and survival against Arab Islamic genocidal aims.... Especially speaking out on any Arab republic treatment of non-Arabs, or on any Islamic republic in treatment of non-Muslims... (including on those states, recipients of US aid, for those hiding under this masked excuse)...