
Arab Propagandist, Ousted by Argentina, Now in Venezuela

March 8, 1977

According to the ADL official, Triki’s Nazi leanings date back to World War II when he belonged to the “Neo-Destour,” an organization in Tunisia, which operated with the consent of German authorities during the Nazi occupation. He also did propaganda work against the Allies in collaboration with the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, who was in charge of Nazi broadcasts to the Middle East, and with pro-Nazi Arab emigres in Germany.

The Jews of Argentina: From the Inquisition to Perón - Page 255 - Robert Weisbrot, ‎Robert Murciano - 1979

Under the guidance of Hussein Triki , one of the Arab League's top officers, the Argentine branch required scarcely a decade to become the major source of anti-semitic literature in the nation.

Triki had had ample preparation for his work in Argentina. During the Second World War, he had collaborated with the Nazis in Tunisia , manufacturing propaganda bulletins against the Allies. As the Anglo - American soldiers pressed the Nazis across the North African sands, Triki retreated to Paris and Berlin to play a leading role in Maghreb , an Arab - run organization that promoted the Nazi war effort . Triki churned out a barrage of anti - Jewish distortions as head of the Arab League in Argentina.

In the Dispersion - Volumes 5-7 - Page 154 - 1966

Today Adolf Eichmann Junior lives with his family in Olivos , and runs a garage there.

Neo - Nazism and the Arab League The most important neo - Nazi front organization today is the Arab League. It conducts what is to all intents and purposes an anti - Semitic campaign through Hussein Triki * , its representative . Triki has pronounced Nazi leanings , a fact recorded in the Allied World War II archives. He belonged to the illegal "NeoDestour" movement in Tunisia , which operated freely and with the consent of the German authorities during the Nazi occupation. After the Allied victory at El Alamein, Triki fled to the German - occupied sector where he carried on propaganda against the Allies.

In Berlin and Paris Triki collaborated with the “Maghreb” organization, a bureau run by North Africans who worked for Axis war industries. During World War II Triki was in contact with Arab pro - Nazi émigrés. He collaborated with Amin El Husseini, the Mufti of Jerusalem, who was then in charge of Nazi propaganda broadcasts to the Middle East. Triki first visited Argentine in 1955 at first..

Triki first visited Argentina in 1955 . At that time he represented the FLN , and made contact with various young left - wing, nationalist and Peronist elements, who greeted him as an anti - imperialist fighter. This explains his great prestige in influential Argentine political circles, labor leaders included.

As Arab League representative, Triki opened his career by declaring that "he was not an anti-Semite, since he himself was Semitic” . His job, he said , was "to fight international Zionism, the common enemy of the Argentine and Arab peoples.” Triki publishes a magazine called The Arab Nation. It has very wide circulation, and is sent to diplomats, ministers, senators, members.

Crítica de las ideas políticas argentinas - Juan José Sebreli - 2011

Hubo denuncias sobre el posible financiamiento de Tacuara por la delegación argentina de la Liga Árabe, cuyo líder, Hussein Triki — miembro de la organización nazi El Mahgreb, colaboradora del Eje en París y Berlín—, mantenía relaciones con algunos miembros de la extrema derecha del peronismo, algunos de éstos de origen árabe, como Raúl Jassen y Envar El Kadri.


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