- Almost 6 Years before the six-day 1967 war, and almost 41 years before the anti terror fence erection.


Haven't found yet any so-called "free palestine" group which is not engaged in extreme diatribe and demonization of Israelis. But anti Jewish hatred masked as "anti Zionism" is rampant.

When always loud ultra anti-Israel will begin to decry real racism and bigotry, you know, where there is no issue of defense and survival against Arab Islamic genocidal aims.... Especially speaking out on any Arab republic treatment of non-Arabs, or on any Islamic republic in treatment of non-Muslims... (including on those states, recipients of US aid, for those hiding under this masked excuse).

Don't expect any "ethnic cleansing" / "apartheid" outeage on Arab-Palestine punishing any Arab selling land to Jews, by death or/and by torture. (Search: punishment Arab selling land to Jews Palestinian ).

Even this slander so dreadfully promoter J Carter admitted (as also published in LATimes, Dec. 8, 2006) "The book is devoted to circumstances and events in Palestine and not in Israel, where democracy prevails and citizens live together and are legally guaranteed equal status." Well, in fact, Israeli Arabs and Palestinian Arabs are of the exact same "race"/color creed what have you. What differentiates them is the paper, citizenship and with it, if there are any Israelis' legitimate security worries why use this slanderous language? Did he ever, if he claimed to be sincere (vis-a-vis this case), by the same token, define as such, denying Israeli passport holders -without security concerns- by most Islamic, most Arab countries? And we are talking about a total ban, not certain restrictions / at certain times.

(BTW, unlike fake propagandists who prey on people especially of color, by racialising so unfairly. Most Israel is by in large 'brown'. Just fun fact.)

When even inside Gaza and Ramallah there will be some sliver of 1% equal to democratic Israel, such as (so far non existent) anti "Palestinian" movement and voices, the equivalent as Haaretz and its linked groups, and/or Soros' linked NIF and  Adalah... inside the free speech society - Israel so active. In other words, what happens to little Ahmed, even in "moderate" Ramallah if he dares, decries Arab Palestinian brutality?

When was the last time, or ever, that the left inside Israel obsessed with term "racism" all over the place, even when not applicable, has called constant past/present Arab targeting exclusively Jewish civilians what it really is, RACIST Arab terror?

Haven't found any evidence against the fact that the separation wall has prevented attacks against Israeli civilians... Nor have I seen much talked about the vast number of cases where Israeli courts routinely favor Arabs over Jews... or on the other hand -  much mentioning of Arab Muslim countries mostly ethnic cleansed since 1948, yet, have seen plenty of those that repeat the apartheid slur invented some 6 years before the 1967 war which is called "occupation".

It was Ahmad Shukeiri (Shukairy, Shuqairy) who in WW2 (admittedly) prayed for Hitler's victory; was Hitler's ally Grand Mufti Haj Amin al-husseini's aide and reportedly escaped together with him.
It was this Shukeiri that invented the apartheid slur in 1961 at the UN while voicing opposition for Israel to try Eichmann. 

Had it not been for Nazis' defeat and for apartheid condemned at UN, then hypocrite Shukairy would compare Israel to what? Yet, even through his war on Israel via this very language posing as supposed "anti racist" still saluted Nazi gang.

That pattern of hypocrisy of being pro Nazism on one hand, yet still attempting to equate Israel with it on the other hand, was paradoxically at play since the beginning.

It also entails the opportunistic fake Pallywood early on, using Nazism as soon as it is shunned, only to defame Israel..

There is absolutely not one other country, which has faced imminent annihilation and living in constant threat even within its borders precisely because it's an open democratic society. While its population is  mostly Jewish, it is regarded by Goliath Arab Muslim Middle East, as the 'other'. Insert rather here all those terms: bigotry, racism, you name it. As it is applicable in the real sense, in this case vs that diatribe, nothing but intended to demonize the pluralistic state.


60 Years to "apartheid" slur by pro-Nazi, A. Shukeiri (Shukairy)

Ahmad al-Shuqairy, ash-Shuqairy, shuqayri, Shukeiri,  Shukeiry , Shukairy:
  • * At WW2, he and his friends used to pray for Hitler's victories and for the defeat of Britain. (His own admission).
  • * Escaped in the 1940's with his associate Al-husseini, mufti of Jerusalem, Hitler's ally.
  • * He "had suggested that Palestinian and Libya's ulama' invite Mussolini to adopt a policy of non-cooperation with zionists and to treat them as the nazis were doing." (Arab source)
  • * Was a Nazis apologist.
  • * At the end of 1940s, he "compared Israel's economic planning for Jerusalem with Hitler's planning for a Nazi ruled Europe".
  • * In 1946, after having joined the  Arab Higher Committee, he reiterate nazi Goebbel's  rhetoric.
  •  * In 1952 compared plight of living Arab refugees to Millions perished in WW2.
  • * Nov. 1959, he is "reported to have suggested that the Arab representatives try to drive a wedge between Jews in the United States and other Americans."
  • * October, 1960 compared Israel to nazis.
  • * Invented the "apartheid" slur in Oct. 1961 at his UN diatribe (UN's 16th session). He also -at the same speech- objected to Eichmann being tried in Israel. It was on October 17, 1961. Almost 6 years before the six-day war which some call it an "occupation".  Some 41 years before the security barrier anti terror defense erected in Israel. He used the then momentum in U.N. against South Africa. So he just compared it to S.A. That meme he uttered after already branding Israel with Nazi label year earlier, then he "dropped" to "levels down" of "apartheid." At the same speech of "apartheid" comparison, he objected to Eichmann being tried in Israel.  Then again later on he jumped up levels and said: "nastier than Fascism, uglier than Nazism." That and much like this, is of his legacy of wild labels-slapping, since enshrined in PLO charter. [Also ironic was, as at those years, Jews in South Africa suffered at least partially due to Israel's opposition to apartheid regime. There outbursts of hate appearing: 'to be resentful that a big segment of the Jewish community consists of avowed liberals who often support South Africa's black majority in efforts to achieve political and racial equality. They also appear resentful of Israel's public opposition to South Africa's policy of apartheid.']
  • * In December 6, 1961 he denied there was any anti Semitism in the world claiming zionists "created" it. At the time he also questioned a Catholic member's loyalty stating he was Jewish. He also argued he's not Anti Semite because he is Semitic himself...
  • * In Nov. 30, 1962 praised, saluted infamous nazi gang Tacuara and its principles (while he cited New york Times "recent" article about the gang, that Sep-16-1962 article clearly states it was nazi) some 5 months after (on 21 June 1962) they brutally attacked, carved swastikas on a 19 year old student as a "revenge" for eliminating Eichmann. He was fired by Saudi Arabia from UN post shortly after, over this. Apparently this was too much even for them to handle.
  • * Called to annihilate the Jews in Israel in 1966: "a war of extermination in which not a man, woman, or child should be spared". Aasidesr from that on record. In addition, he is also by many, said to have coined the genocidal "throw the J.. into the sea". (Though, some doubt as to this exact phrase". Yet, M. Shemesh, the 2003 author of refuting this phrase didn't elaborate much why Shukairy didn't deny it when it was highly publicized before the six-day-war, at the Arab hype and excitement before defeat. More over,  the same author/professor who wrote so much on Arab-Palestinians and their history, apparently onitted the Nazi Tacuara salute which got Shukairy booted from the UN. That at least according to Google's result to search as follows: 'Your search - "moshe shemesh" "tacuara" - did not match any book results'. Or a Google search inside his 1988 extensive book on their politics between 1959-1974, neither "Tacuara," nor "Argentina" has returned any results but plenty for "Shuqayri." And has even a full chapter about him. Enough said. )

Palestine - Volumes 1-5 - Page v - 1943
All that is needed now to complete the picture is to have Amin el Husseini, the ex- Mufti of Jerusalem, head the ... agents are now allowed to sit on the Arab Higher Committee, that one of them, Mr. Shukeiri, who fled from Palestine with the Mufti, represents the Arab League in Washington..

Jewish Agency's Digest of Press and Events, 1950, p.1084
The Syrian delegate, Ahmed Shukeiri, compared Israel's economic planning for Jerusalem with Hitler's planning for a Nazi ruled Europe....

The Jewish Agency's Digest of Press and Events - Volume 4, Issues 32-39 - Page 1054
Ahmad Shukeiri, Assistant Secretary General of the Arab League, expressed the hope that “Spanish-Arab friendship would be inaugurated by independent national rule in Spanish Morocco".
 ... He is now apparently trying to organize an entourage of Arab States. By appearing in Mussolini's role of “Sword of Islam”, he hopes to become worth courting. Franco ...

Jewish Year Book, Volume 55 - 
Cyrus Adler, Henrietta Szold -
American Jewish Committee, 1954 - p. 351 - 
Issues for 1900/1901- include report of the 12th- year of the Jewish Publication Society of America, 1890-1900- (issued also separately in some years); issues for 1908/1909- include Report
...compared the plight of the Arab refugees with the slaughter of six million Jews in Europe. 

1953.I.30 of 31 December 1952
in a letter dated 29 January 1952 (S/2502) addressed to the President of the Security Council, the representative of Israel stated that the Israel-Jordan Mixed Armistice Commission had, on 24 January 1952, determined that Jordan had been responsible for 59 violations of the Armistice Agreement and Israel for one such violation. These results revealed the distorted and inaccurate character of the Jordanian communication, the letter said.
In the same communication, the representative of Israel complained against a threatening statement made by Ahmed Shukairy, the Syrian representative, before the Ad Hoc Political Committee on 22 January 1952. 

Middle East Record Volume 1, 1960
Yitzhak Oron · 1960 - p.178
Shukairy (Saudi Arabia), in a lengthy reply to “the lady from Israel,” argued that the war of 1948 ...similar to the conduct of the Nazis towards the Jews in Europe... On the Nazi theme he also quoted from a speech by Surprise Winston Churchill on the assassination of Lord Moyne "in 1948." [the assassination took place in 1944]...  
Shukairy rejected the call for peace talks...  (A/PV, 899, 11 Oct).

A/PV, 1020, Oct 2) The representative of Saudi Arabia, Ahmad Shukairy, [in a strongly anti-Western speech], chided the Western powers ...
Taking the floor again on Oct 17 under the right of reply, Shukairy said that "The lady from Israel" had challenged the Arabs to find fault with the situation of the Israel Arabs. He quoted from... to prove his thesis that "the Apartheid of South Africa is being practised by..."
Middle East Record Volume 2, 1961 - Volume 2 - Page 188 - Yitzhak Oron - 1961 
Middle East Record - 1961 - Page 188

Middle East Record, Yitzhak Oron - 1961 - Volume 2 - Page 237
Ahmad Shukairy, the representative of Saudi Arabia, described Zionism as "nastier than Fascism, uglier than Nazism, more hateful than ...

Anti-Judaism, Antisemitism, and Delegitimizing Israel - Page 99 - Robert S. Wistrich - 2016
Holding Jews collectively responsible for actions of the state of Israel. 
THE PROBLEM ... a UN speech of 4 December 1961: “Zionism was nastier than Fascism, uglier than ...

The Detroit Jewish News - October 27, 1961
Mr Meir Replies to Shukairy's Diatribe 

Without mentioning Shukairy's name, but referring to him as "the gentleman from Saudi Arabia," Mrs. Meir accused him of having been a Collaborator of a Hitler associate, of uttering 'outright lies and of representing a country which not only condoned but practiced slavery.

In her address, Mrs. Meir also took an open stand against Mongi Slim of Tunisia, - president of the Assembly, who had permitted Shukairy to use the Assembly
rostrum for a speech which Israel had already termed "vicious and obscene."

Opening her remarks,. Mrs. Meir told the Assembly: "It is with a feeling of abhorrence at the statement made here yesterday by the delegates of Saudi Arabia, and surprise that this vicious speech, with its racial incitement, its direct personal
offense, and its outright false-hoods, was allowed to continue unchecked, that I come to this rostrum to make some comments."

Pointing out that Shukairy had equated Israel with Nazism, Mrs. Meir said: "Such an equation can be made only by someone
who is either totally ignorant of what Nazism was or by someone who- is indifferent to it." She cited the fact that Shukairy as a member of the Arab Higher
Committee during the Second World War was "a close associate of the Committee's leader, the notorious ex-Mufti of Jerusalem." The ex-Mufti, she said, had "spent the war years in Germany and collaborated with the Nazi leaders in connection with their extermination program of the Jews."

Mrs. Meir challenged Shukairy to point to any statement, ever made by him in condemnation of Hitler during the war. "When did the delegate from Saudi Arabia," she asked, "begin to denounce Hitler and Nazism — when they were occupying one European country after another? Or only after Hitler was defeated?"

Mrs. Meir quoted from Arab newspapers in Jordan, Damascus...
Mrs. Meir went briefly into the history of Israeli-Arab disputes and warfare from the time the Assembly voted Palestine partition in November, 1947 to the a t t a c k s against Israel launched by seven Arab states within minutes after Israel had proclaimed its independence in 1948. She recalled that it was the Arabs themselves who created the refugee problem by telling the Arabs in Palestine to leave, promising them they would be able to return "after total victory against Jews within a few weeks."

The Israel Foreign Minister once again challenged the Arab leaders to refute Israel's assertions that the 235,000 Arabs enjoy more freedom greater economic and so advantages than the Arabs in Arab states. '

Delegate Condemned at U. N. by Israel for ‘vicious Speech’
(December 19, 1961)
Pointing out that Mr. Shukairy had equated Israel with Nazism, Mrs. Meir said: “Such an equation can be made only by someone who is either totally ignorant of what Nazism was or by someone who is indifferent to it.” She cited the fact that Mr. Shukairy as a member of the Arab Higher Committee during the Second World War was “a close associate of the Committee’s leader, the notorious ex-Mufti of Jerusalem.” The ex-Mufti, she said, had “spent the war years in Germany and collaborated with the Nazi leaders in connection with their extermination program of the Jews.”

Congressional Record: Proceedings and Debates of the ... Congress, Volume 107, Part 24 -  United States. Congress - U.S. Government Printing Office, 1961
[Warmongering at  U.N.
Extension of remarks by Hon. Lester Holtzman
In the House of Representatives
Wednesday, July 26, 1961]
... Mr. Shukairy was the righthand man of the ex-Muftl of Jerusalem, Hitler's most cooperative Arab agent." The ex-Mufti was a specialist in organizing pogroms against the Jews...

Israel Digest of Press and Events in Israel and the Middle East, Volumes 4-5
- Israel Digest, 1961, p.33
...difficulty that is being exploited by apologists of the Nazi regime, by men like Ahmed Shukeiri, or by Arnold Toynbee. There are those who want the facts to be passed over in silence and rapidly forgotten. 

Near East Report, Volumes 5-6
Front Cover
Isaiah L. Kenen
Near East Report, Incorporated, 1962 - Jewish-Arab relations - p. 49
Arab leaders intend to exploit every UN issue to discredit Israel and to win support for their view that Israel  should be liquated  and replaced by an Arab state in Palestine. During the debate on apartheid , the Lebanese ambassador charged , on Nov 8 , Saudi Arabia's Ahmad Shukairy told the General Assembly that Israel is “ imperialist and colonialist ”.. ..

Recall of Arab Delegate from U.N. is Sought; ‘saluted’ Tacuara
[3 December, 1962]
A move for the recall by Saudi Arabia of its permanent representative to the United Nations, Ahmad Shukairy, was under way here today, with Arab diplomats heading the drive. The desire for Shukairy’s removal from the UN scene, long contemplated by more moderate Arabs here, gained heavy impetus here this weekend after the official Saudi Arabian spokesman declared openly a “salute” to the anti-Semitic Tacuara movement in Argentina and proposed that UN “adopt” the Tacuara movement.
Shukairy’s “salute” to the Tacuara movement was voiced Friday before the General Assembly’s Special Political Committee which is currently debating the Arab issue. Lucio Garcia del Solar, Argentine representative in the committee, immediately objected to the Shukairy “salute,” telling the United Nations that his people and Government reject everything that Tacuara advocates.
Embarrassed Arab diplomats, annoyed for many years by Shukairy’s intemperate attacks against Israel and Jews, let it be known that they are asking the Saudi Government to take Shukairy away from the UN. Some of the Arab diplomats apologized personally not only to Argentineans here but also to other Latin Americans, volubly assuring all that they felt Shukairy had gone much too far in his anti-Israeli drive by endorsing an open neo-Nazi movement like Tacuara.
A sharp protest against Shukairy’s endorsement of Tacuara was received here today by Dr. Leopoldo Benites, of Ecuador, chairman of the committee in which Shukairy called for the “adoption” of Tacuara. The protest came from Label A. Katz, president of the International Council of B’nai B’rith, who visited Argentina last summer and probed into the neo-Nazi movement there.
“Never in the history of the United Nations” Mr. Katz wired Ambassador Benites, “has any delegate had the audacity to make the kind of outrageous proposal offered by Mr. Ahmad Shukairy when he recommended that the racist Tacuara be “adopted by the United Nations.”

Chile Rebukes Arab Delegate at U.N. for ‘saluting’ Tacuara Group
[4 December, 1962]
Ahmad Shukairy, head of the Saudi Arabian delegation here who, last Friday lauded the anti-Semitic Tacuara movement of Argentina and proposed that the United Nations “adopt” Tacuara, was sharply reprimanded here Monday by a Chilean diplomat who said that all Latin Americans reject such racism.
The attack was delivered, during the current debate of the Arab refugee issue, in the General Assembly’s Special Political Committee by Don Ramon Huidobro, Chilean representative to that committee. Referring to Mr. Shukairy’s Tacuara speech, in which the Saudi Arabian had also called upon all Latin Americans to support Tacuara, Don Ramon told the committee:
“I am sure his words do not represent the feelings of the many Arabs who came to Chile and live there as equal citizens. Hence I reject his words. How can he ask for such a thing? We are based on the principles of freedom. We believe in no racism. Under the Lima Charter, all Latin Americans are pledged to respect and cherish all religions.”

December 28, 1962 by Jewish Press - issuu
Chile Rebukes Saudi Arabian delegate at  United Nations for 'saluting' Tacuara
. ... Referring to Mr. Shukairy's Tacuara speech, in which the Saudi Arabian had also called upon all Latin Americans to support...

Jewish Floridian, Dec. 7, 1962
Seek Recall of Arab Leader Who Saluted Argentine Bigots
...Shukairy's 'salute' to the Tacuara movement..

Jewish Post, Indianapolis, Marion County, 14 December 1962
Israel, U. A. R. Exchange Cries of Nazism in UN
Israel and the United Arab Republic swapped bitter charges at the United Nations... 
U. A. R. Deputy Foreign Minister Hussain Zalficar Sabri first inked... 
Israel's U. N. Representative Michael Comay then contented that former Gestapo officers held key positions in the U. A. R. government.... .. 

Comay, bitter at Sabri's statements and the earlier remarks of Ahmad Shukairy of Saudi Arabia, praising the Neo-Nazi Argentine group, Tacuara, named names in his charge that the U. A. R. Government was infiltrated with former Nazis.
He also contended that Arab representatives were in the United States, Latin America and elsewhere, and are working with Neo-Nazi groups to propogate Anti-Senitism as as a political weapon.
Comay named Johannes Bon Lewes, a propaganda expert in Hitler's Third Reich, who he claimed is a top Cairo adviser on Anti-Semitism.
Also named were Maj. Leopold Gleim and Maj. Bernard Bender, former Nazi officers now connected with the U. A. R. secret police... and Heinrich Semman (now Col. Muhammad Sulleiman) accused of war crimes in Bavaria.

Comay called the Arab charge equating Zionism and Nazism "a lot of nonsense". Zionism he said "is one of the most constructive movement in human hustiry  and perhaps the older of all liberation movements". 

He called Sabri's technique one of "trying to pin the Nazi label onto Israel and Zionism in the hope that the public mind may be confused as between Hilterism and those to whom it has caused such untold suffering". 

ISRAELI ACCUSES ARABS OF NAZISM; U.N. Envoy Sees Link to Modern Fascist Groups 
By KATHLEEN TELTSCH Special to The New York Times December 07, 1962 (Page 14)
Israel accused Arab representatives today of cooperating with neo-Nazi and fascist groups in the United States, Latin America and elsewhere "to exploit anti- Semitism as a political weapon."

The Jewish Floridian - (University of Florida Digital Collections)
Israel Presses for Peace Talks Now
Friday, December 21, 1962
Israel Urges UN Adopt Peace talks
December 21, 1962
... Shukairy left here Saturday unnanonuced but not unnoticed, having been recalled from his post..
A number of delegates, including Arabs embarrassed by his volatile speeches stirring amti-Semitism and endorsing the Neo-Nazi Tacuara movement of Argentina, had asked King Feisal to take him away from the already highly charged UN scene.

Facts - Volumes 15-17 - Page 424 - Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith - 1963
During his various tenures as a delegate to the United Nations, Shukairy demonstrated virulent hatred of Israel and Jews ... 
In 1962 at the U.N., Shukairy even went so far as to praise the militant, anti-Jewish and neo-Nazi storm-troop gang in Argentina know as Tacuara.. 
instance, he declared: "I have never been an anti-Semite; I am a Semite myself." This semantic dodge has long been used by anti-Jewish Arab bigots, and by their supporters in the American anti-Jewish press, to obfuscate the palpable..
Anti- Jewish Diatribe A year earlier, during a debate on the Arab refugee question, Shukairy's obsessive hatredwas etched in sharp relief by statements he made about one of the U.N.'s most distinguished delegates, Professor Enrique Rodriguez-Fabregat. chief of the Uruguavan delegation. In the course of a diatribe charging that Jews were expected to look upon Israelas their real government — the old dual loyalty canard used by anti-Semitic propagandists — Shukairy wondered aloud whether Professor Fabregat who, Shukairy said was of the Jewish faith, also considered himself to be a Jew "in exile".
That Dr. Fabregat was a member of an old Catholic family and a practicing Catholic made no difference to Shukairy. Dr. Fabregat — in sorrow, but without anger — commented that the thoughts expressed by Shukairy were "more fitting to past ages".
Undaunted, Shukairy went on to declare that there was no real anti-Semitism in the world and that anti-Semitism was a propaganda device, a "tool" serving the interests of Zionists who had, he charged , created...
On .. immigration...: "It is religious fanaticism. It is racial discrimination. It is apartheid...
This ideological orientation undoubtedly helped to turn the radical and anti- Western SNCC organization toward PLO for its propaganda material.

Saudi Arabia, Syria Reject Israel’s Bid for Peace with Arabs
October 10, 1963
Saudi Arabia today rejected Israel’s calls for peace between Israel and the Arab states. Rashad Pharaon, the new Saudi Arabian representative, replacing Ahmad Shukairy who was dismissed from his UN post by the Saudi Arabian Government a year ago, addressed the plenary session of the General Assembly.

The Detroit Jewish News
Friday. September 16, 1966 [Page 15-E]
4 Notorious...
One other hater of Jews has just been in the limelight, Haj Amin el-Husseini was mentioned in reports from Amman during Shukairy's plot to organize an army to fight Israel and the Jews. The fact that he was quoted in Amman was a bad omen. The former Mufti of Jerusalem has such a bad record as a war criminal that to enumerate his crimes would take a full issue of the largest New Year edition of any Jewish publication. Suffice it to recall that he collaborated with Hitler in Germany, in plans to exterminate Jewry; that he was instrumental in fomenting strife in Palestine and in encouraging the wholesale massacre of defenseless Jewish theological students in Hebron in 1929
The Mufti owed his power to the first British High Commissioner for Palestine, Herbert Samuel, who tolerated him. But he was the ingrate, ruthless. Thus, anti-Semites often too often emerge on the scene to reiterate the libels, and they would reenact the crimes of genocide if permitted..

The American Jewish Year Book - Volume 64 - Page 141 - Cyrus Adler, ‎Henrietta Szold - 1963
... Saudi Arabian representative to the United Nations Ahmad Shukairy, in a General Assembly debate on November 30, lapsed into a vituperative speech in which he saluted the antisemitic terrorist Tacuara movement in Argentina (p. 281) ...

Israel’s Relations with Non-arab Lands in Middle East Irk Arabs
September 12, 1963


Proposals for tightening the Arab League’s fight against Israel, with particular emphasis on Israel’s recently improved relations with non-Arab states in the Middle East, will be placed tomorrow before the Arab League’s Council, the organization’s ruling body, according to reports from Cairo received here.
The proposals were worked out today at the session of the League’s political and economic committees in Cairo. Included are plans to combat Israel’s increased contacts with Turkey, Iran and Cyprus; tightening of the anti-Israel economic boycott; continuance of the “struggle” for repatriation of the Arab refugees to Israel; measures to be taken against Israel’s alleged plans to divert Jordan River waters; and a proposal that met with resistance from Jordan, calling for the establishment of a “Palestine entity.” The latter is envisaged as an organization similar to the FLN, the Algerian independence movement.
Jordan, with a refugee population comprising about half of the country’s total population, is cool to the “Palestine entity” idea because such a set-up could affect Amman’s jurisdiction over the refugees. Abdulah EI Zuqairat, Jordan’s representative on the 13-nation League, objected to the “Palestine entity” proposal on the grounds that no representative of the Palestine Arabs was present at the meeting.
The political committee then decided to invite Ahmed Shukairy, former Saudi Arabian delegation head at the United Nations, to join the body as a Palestine “expert.” Mr. Shukairy was fired from his UN post by the Saudi Arabian Government last winter, after some Arab representatives felt he had gone too far in the diatribes against Israel by calling upon the UN to encourage formation of anti-Semitic organizations similar to the Tacuara movement in Argentina.
In addition to Jordan’s disagreement about the “Palestine entity” plan, another inter-Arab split was seen in regard to Israel when Lebanon sought revision of a resolution calling for a boycott of banks and firms that deal with Israel. The Beirut Government had previously been reported feeling that the boycott hurts some of the Arab countries more than Israel. However, the Beirut delegation’s proposal was defeated.

Congressional Record: Proceedings and Debates of the ..., Volume 111, Part 12 p.15915-6
By United States. Congress - 1965
DECEMBER 6, 1961 Ahmad Shukairy concluded a speech at the United Nations by denying there was anti-Semitism in the world but that "anti- Semitism" was being used as a propaganda "tool" to serve the interests of Zionists, who had "created Anti Semitism in order to justify their demands"...
November 30, 1962: Ahmad Shukairy, Saudia Arabia's envoy to the United Nations... Tacuara...should be saluted... we hope that Tacuara would spread......
April 27, 1964: The Argentine Youth Movement distributed  leaflets inviting the public to a “big demonstration in support of the Arab League"
* * *
Enough of currency evasion and economic criminals that bring misery to our people. Enough of double nationality 
* * *
At the meeting, slogans such as "Long Live Hitler," "Nasser and Peron," "Jews to the Crematoria" and "Make Soap out of the Jews" were voiced by participants, many of whom were identified by their uniforms, as well as by their Nazi salute, as members of Tacuara and Guardia Restauradora Nacionalista, neo-Nazi groups. 
Facts - Volume 16 - Page 343 - 1965
(Exhibit 1, Arab Anti-Semitism [July 8, 1965] pp.15912-7

World War III., Issues 68-72 -
Society for Prevention of World War III, 1966 - p.5
In the Middle East, affairs of the PLO are firmly controlled by its chairman, Mr Ahmad Shukairy - a man once associated with Arab Higher Comitte for Palestine. Under the leadership of Adolf Hitler's ardent supporter, the Grand Mufti...

Tracing Martin Bormann - pp.149-150 - Lev BezymenskiÄ­ - 1966
This merger was facilitated by Juan Peron's admiration of Hitler during the war ...
This brutal act focussed the limelight on an armed underground nazi organisation in Argentina which called itself Tacuara.” This nazi organization... 
It does not require much investigation to see that this organisation's activities bear the stamp of the German nazis. Indeed, many of its instructors are former SS officers.
Eichmann was under Tacuara protection. Dr. Mengele, before he left for Paraguay, lived on the outskirts of Buenos Aires in a house guarded by Tacuara members. Tacuara has lately become extremely active. One of its new leaders is Horst Eichmann, son of Adolf Eichmann. He walks about in the black SS uniform with a swastika on his sleeve. Tacuara is not the only nazi organisation in Argentina....

The Story of Israel - Meyer Levin - 1966 - Page 222
... was to be a war of extermination in which not a man, woman, or child should be spared, announced Ahmed Shukeiri, the bloodthirsty organizer of commando units...

Jewish Currents - Volume 18 - Page 47 - 1964
Argentina: The fascist youth organization, Tacuara, loosed a wave of anti-labor and anti-Semitic violence... 
Feb. 29 Tacuara murdered Raul Alterman, 32 year old Buenos Aires salesman. March 3 theybombed the Jewish club, Maccabi, in Mendoza. 
That day 80 members of the Bar Association called on Interior Minister Juan S. Palermo to investigate Tacuara.
Tacuara member Jorge Steffens Soler, son of a big landowner and student at the Catholic University, is reported to have said Tacuara works closely with the U.S. CIA. 
Police arrested five Tacuarans for the killing of Alterman; 
March 24-25 eight Tacuarans were arrestel for a robbery of $100,000 last Aug. in which two employees were killed and three wounded..
South Africa: Jew-bating...
Cries of "Finkelstein!", "Go to Israel," "There go the Jews!" and "Behave yourself in this country" were uttered by members of the Nationalist Party headed by Premier Dr. Hendrik F. Verwoerd. The N. Y. Times March 20 wrote: "The Government supporters appear to be resentful that a big segment of the Jewish community consists of avowed liberals who often support South Africa's black majority in efforts to achieve political and racial equality.
They also appear resentful of Israel's public opposition to South Africa's policy of apartheid. . . ." Verwoerd refused to to reply to opposition requests for a statement...

The National Jewish Monthly - Volumes 82-83 - Page 21 - B'nai B'rith - 1967
...Not since November 1963, when the erstwhile head of the Palestine Liberation Organization Ahmed Shukairy, delivered an anti-Semitic diatribe in the United Nations, has there been ... 

Congressional Record: Proceedings and Debates of the ... Congress 
United States. Congress · Law
(Extension of remarks by HON. ABRAHAM J. MULTER in the house of representatives, May 25, 1967)
To PLO Chairman Ahmad Shukairy, Israel is a “ganster state,” serving “western ... Ahmad Shukair -- a man once associated with the Arab Higher Committee for Palestine, under the leadership of Adolf Hitler's ardent supporter the Grand Mufti, he later represented both Syria  and Saudi Arabia at the United Nations...

Fedayeen; guerillas against Israel - Page 121 - Zeev Schiff, ‎Raphael Rothstein - 1972
... to avoid the use of extremist rhetoric that promises genocide. Such expressions as "throwing the Jews into the sea," which were popular with Ahmed Shukairy and Arab leaders before the Six- Day War, produced world-wide moral revulsion.

Israel Magazine - Volume 5, Spotlight Publication Limited, 1973
Threats of annihilation cannot be taken as cheap demagoguery by somebody who has passed through the Nazi ... in effigy on lampposts in Cairo, or the hysterical crowd in Gaza listening to Ahmad Shukeiri's call for the annihilation of Israel.

Arabic Political Memoirs and Other Studies, Cass books on the Middle East, Elie Kedourie, Professor of Politics Emeritus, Psychology Press - 1964 - Page 189
Shuqayri began to be active in Palestinian Arab politics in the early 1930s ... whether or not they were politically wise—Shuqayri was expressing the attitudes and feelings  of his countrymen... 
He describes the great excitement with which they used to listen to German and Italian broadcasts, how he would follow during the night the military communiqués, marking on a map the places being occupied by the victorious Germans and meet his friends the following morning to discuss triumphs exceeding those of the previous day: Our sympathies were with the Axis powers being led by Hitler from victory to victory, and with our sympathies went our prayers for the victory of Germany and her allies, and defeat for Britain...

International Negotiation: Hearings, Ninety-first Congress, First Session. December 15- 1969, Parts 1-6 - United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Government Operations. Subcommittee on National Security and International Operations p.16
Some Arab spokesmen made a rather perfunctory distinction between the destruction of Israel and the extermination of the Israelis; others, like Ahmad Shuqayri, made it quite clear that they expected both..

Encounter, Volume 39 - p.76 -
Stephen Spender, Irving Kristol
Encounter Limited, 1972 - Literature
... they give a valuable glimpse into Arab politics in, and related to, Palestine over many decades, but also Shukayri is exceptional among Palestinian Arab leaders in having published political memoirs... Our sympathies were with the Axis powers being led by Hitler from victory to victory, and with our sympathies went our prayers for the victory of Germany and her allies, and defeat for Britain...

Middle East Information Series - Volume 7, Issue 4 - Page 102 - 1974
... how "official" does an official statement have to be. Ahmed Shukeiri, designated by Nasser to be leader of the PLO until the defeat of 1967 (the organization was less autonomous in those days), was celebrated for his genocidal prophecies.

Arab Attitudes to Israel
Yehoshafat Harkabi · 1974 · Arab-Israeli conflict - p.473
Today, Arab spokesmen try to play down the genocidal and politicidal terms which were employed with particular virulence on the eve of the Six- Day War, but an examination, but an examination of their attitude does not reveal any substantial change. What Haykal says today differs from what Shukairy said yesterday, at the most, in the

Brothers in Blood: The International Terrorist Network - Ovid Demaris - 1977 - Page 137
Shukeiri in his heyday as head of the PLO often spoke of "driving the Jews into the sea . ... that it was the Arabs who were closely allied with Nazism and fascism during World War II , Article 22 also brands Zionism as being Nazi and fascist .

Israeli Ecstasies/Jewish Agonies - Page 11 - Irving Louis Horowitz - 1974
It was with the active propaganda and financial support of the Nazis and Fascists that Haj Amin El Husseini , Mufti of Jerusalem and Nazi propagandist , advocated mass murder of the Jews . 
Ahmed Shukeiri , present head of the so - called Palestine Liberation Organization , is a large landowner , an unmistakable heir of the revanchist chauvinism of the pro - Nazi Arab , who dares to proclaim himself leader of a national liberation ...

The Spectator, Volume 257, Issues 8243-8255 - p.16
F.C. Westley, 1986 - Art
... Sartawi was critical of the Palestinian leadership as a whole. I once asked him why the Palestinians had had ach poor leaders, from Haj Amin Husseini who led them to defeat in 1948 to Ahmed Shukairy, the first PLO head, who is remembered today only for his statement that he would throw the Jews into the sea.

JPRS Report: Near East & South Asia - Issue 88075 - Page 8 - 1988
... Do you want to throw us into the sea ? ( Answer ] The Arabs made a grave error when they proclaimed this insane slogan."Error"

A mandate for terror: the United Nations and the PLO - Page 292 - Harris O. Schoenberg - 1989
By 1959 ash-Shuqairy had been appointed an ambassador to the UN from Saudi Arabia. In November of that year he attended a meeting in New York of Arab diplomats called by Abdel Khalek Hassouna, Secretary-General of the Arab League, to assess how Arab propaganda was faring in the United States.
At this meeting, Ash-Shuqairy is reported to have suggested that the Arab representatives try to drive a wedge between Jews in the United States and other Americans.

Back at the United Nations, ash-Shuqairy tried to isolate the Jewish people at the global level. In a Record-breaking seven hour speech to...
And he asked the UN to formally "adopt" the Argentine fascist organization. UN delegates hastened to denounce ...
representative of Argentina asked that his country be lauded for its respect for human rights and not because of the genocidal aims of "some" Argentine Nazis for which "the representative of Saudi Arabia has seen fit to congratulate my country."

[ Midstream (vol. 21)  - 1975 - Page 66
Beginning on 1960, the Arab League and Moslem diplomats from Libya, Syria, Egypt and Algeria in particular began a most vicious and virulent campaign in Argentina against Zionism, Zionists, and Israel-all euphemisms for Jews. The Arab League published The Arab Nations and other slick magazines and began the distribution, in Spanish, of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. They ( the Arabs) also paid for tremendous ads in daily papers all throughout the country.
The rightist organizations such as Guarda Restauradora Nacionalista (GRN), Tacuara, Mazorca and the Peronist youth joined to a greater extent in anti-Semitic statements and vandalism. The phlegmatic attitude of the national government and the local police emboldened the terrorists to further and greater  extent in anti-Semitic statements and vandalism. The phlegmatic attitude of the national government and the local police emboldened the terrorists to further and greater misdeeds. 
Priests such as Ferreiro and Julio Meinville and men such as Walter Beveraggi Allende (former member of Parliament) and trade union leader Andres Framini, all presumably subsidized by the Arab League, began issuing demagogic papers and making speeches. 
The Tacuara is protected by the GRN and is the successor to Peron's Alianza Nacionalista.
Midstream; a monthly Jewish review, Volume 21 -  1975 - p.66 ]

Tierras por paz, tierras por guerra - Page 335
La admiración árabe hacia Hitler estalló con entusiasmo en el Medio Oriente en cuanto el Führer subió al poder en 1933, ... Entre los varios simpatizantes del nazismo en la región se encontraban Ahmad Shukairi (primer titular de la OLP), ...
Julián Schvindlerman - 2002

Majallat Al-Maghrib - Volumes 11-12 - Page 32 - 1986
According to the report, Al- Shuqairi had suggested that Palestinian and Libya's  ulama' invite Mussolini to adopt a policy of non-cooperation with zionists and to treat them as the nazis were doing. The Cairo newspaper Al-Balagh recalled ...
The Maghreb Review: Majallat Al-Maghrib - Volume 12 - Page 32

Antisemitism: threat to Western civilization - Page 71 - Menachem Z. Rosensaft, ‎Yehuda Bauer, ‎Vidal Sassoon International Center for the Study of Antisemitism (Universiá¹­ah ha-Ê»Ivrit bi-Yerushalayim) - 1988
Terming Zionism "a blend of colonialism and imperialism in their ugliest forms," Shukairy had recommended that the UN "exterminate" the Zionist movement by formally "adopting" the Argentine Tacuara, a notorious antisemitic group.

Arafat: From Defender to Dictator - Page 60 - Saïd K. Aburish - 2012
Shukeiri issued unrealistic threats to throw Israel into the sea, which reduced him to an object of mockery and further eroded the standing of the organization he chaired ...

Anti-Semitism and Anti-Zionism in Historical Perspective: Convergence and Divergence - Jeffrey Herf - 2013
... In 1961, it is doubtful that Israelis paid attention to the fact that Ahmed Shukeiri defined Zionism as worse than fascism, uglier than Nazism, more dangerous than colonialism; in 1964, the definition made its way intothe PLO Charter. Especially interesting is the definition's ideological inversion: leaders of Arab states, like Arabs in Palestine, had taken a favorable view of  Fascism and Nazism...

By thecjnadmin
December 8, 2014 

If one of the chief obligations of national leaders is to demonstrate, through example, the preferred qualities of nationhood such as civility, tolerance, mutual respect and equal rights, then the Palestinian leaders have failed their people entirely. Ever since Arabs and Jews have contended over the same piece of land, Palestinian leaders have ignored the work of building a sovereign structure for their own people and have focused instead on tearing down the one built by the Jews. 
Haj Amin El Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, the first acknowledged Palestinian leader, ceaselessly railed against Jews. In 1941, he travelled to Berlin to offer Adolf Hitler his services in the genocide then unfolding. After World War II, the government of Yugoslavia sought to prosecute him for war crimes.

Ahmad Shukairy, Husseini’s former aide, was the next leader of the Palestinians. In 1964, the Arab League appointed him to head the newly created Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). Lebanese-born Shukairy was the first to hurl the apartheid slander at Israel even as he tirelessly advocated “driving the Jews into the sea.” “We shall destroy Israel and its inhabitants, and as for the survivors – if there are any – the boats are ready to deport them,” Shukairy sermonized in Jerusalem on June 1, 1967.
Yasser Arafat, the next leader of the PLO, elevated terror to rich political currency even as he lied effortlessly to world leaders such as U.S. president Bill Clinton. From the lawn of the White House, with much of the world watching, he permanently foreswore violence. But his commitment was a ruse, because he actually viewed violence as a sanctified portal into Arab history. Three years after he signed the Oslo accords, he said in Stockholm, “We will not bend or fail until the blood of every last Jew from the youngest child to the oldest elder is spilt to redeem our land!” 

Even though current Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas appeals more to western leaders, he does not engender the same loyalty among Palestinians that the fabled Arafat did. However, he spreads anti-Israel poison just as effectively. “The Muslim and Christian world will never accept Israeli claims that Jerusalem is theirs. Don’t let our holy sites be contaminated [by the presence of Jews],” Abbas urged his people just last month.
Palestinian leaders have never strayed from their core message: the rejection of a sovereign Jewish state. And yet, it is they who have won the propaganda war against Israel. Irrespective of the nature of the outrages they incite or direct against Israel, Palestinian leaders, unfortunately, are seldom held to account by the governments of the world or the countless social activists who march in solidarity with them on the streets of Europe and North America. 
But though they have won the propaganda campaign, Palestinian leaders have abjectly lost the campaign that should have mattered most to them: fostering high national character and building a country. 
In place of a people arcing determinedly, even nobly, toward nation-building, mustering individual and collective energies for scientific, economic, educational, fiscal, commercial, industrial, medical, engineering, governmental, cultural and social pursuits that nation-building requires, Palestinian leaders have inculcated, revelled in and glorified a national self-identity as perpetual victims. In a sense, they have deformed their people’s inherent goodness, drive and dynamism and created instead a deep, structural pathology that celebrates murderers, lionizes killers and kidnappers, and regards the annihilation of another people – Israel – as virtuous.
Propaganda, however, is evanescent. It changes as rapidly as the headlines atop a news story. But the need for a reliably strong and manifestly good national character transcends time. It is the foundation on which a prosperous, caring society must be built.
For their colossal disregard of what truly counts in a national psyche and ethos, Palestinian leaders will one day be seen as history’s worst serial abusers of their own.

Anti-Judaism, Antisemitism, and Delegitimizing Israel - p. 104
Robert S. Wistrich · 2016
... 1961: Genocidal Pro-Nazi Arab leader: Ahmad Shukairy, 'Father' of ' Apartheid' Slander"...

Una cruz esvástica marcada en el pecho y la sombra de Eichmann: el estremecedor ataque a una joven judía

Graciela Sirota tenía 19 años y en 1962 denunció haber sido víctima de un brutal ataque antisemita. La DAIA apuntó al grupo Tacuara y acusó a la policía de connivencia, convocó en protesta a una inédita huelga de la colectividad en todo el país, que provocó el cierre masivo de comercios en el Once y Villa Crespo. Los fanáticos del criminal nazi Adolf Eichmann y las dudas de un caso que conmocionó al país.

Argentine Jews in the Age of Revolt: Between the New World and the Third World
Beatrice D. Gurwitz · 2016 · p.53
The most shocking event came in June, when Graciela Narcisa Sirota, a nineteen-year-old Jewish university student, was kidnapped and tortured by members of Tacuara. The abductors burned her with cigarettes, tattooed a swastika on her, and told her that the attack was “revenge for Eichmann.” Days later the DAIA called a strike to protest this attack. Most Jewish, and many non-Jewish businesses closed their doors and posted posted signs in their windows reading "Closed as a protest against Nazi aggressions in Argentina". Many high school and university students joined the strike, and various political, union and civil organizations expressed support. 

Because They Were Jews: A History of Antisemitism - Page 13 - Meyer Weinberg - 1986
A principal organizer of this violence was the ... fascist group Tacuara, formed in 1930 by " young men in their late teens and twenties ... was the physical attack on a young Jewish woman Graciela N . Sirota in which the assailant used a knife to carve letters on her breast . ... The Arab League , attacking both Jews and Zionists, became a central funding agent A Noah's Ark of Bigotry : Argentina 13...

Dreamer of the Day: Francis Parker Yockey and the Postwar Fascist International - Kevin Coogan - 1999
By the early 1960s the Tacuara "ideological line stood at some indistinct point between nazism and falangism."
Believed to be financed in part by the Arab League , the group carried out numerous assaults against Argentina's Jewish community. When Adolf Eichmann was captured in Argentina by the Israeli secret service, the Tacuara retaliated with synagogue bombings and other acts of terror.
After Eichnann's execution they even carved a swastika.. schoolgirl named Graciela Sirota

Adolf Eichmann’s Capture and Trial Exposed Harsh Reality of Nazi Regime
[May 11, 2020]
JERUSALEM – Nazi war criminal Adolf Eichmann was captured by Israeli spies in Buenos Aires 60 years ago on Monday.

His trial, which was broadcast internationally, shocked the world by revealing the horrors committed during World War II in Europe and murder of millions of Jewish people under the Nazi regime.
Rein said the Jewish community in Argentina, which was the largest in Latin America at that time with a population of 250,000, suffered from a wave of anti-Semitic attacks.

The case of Graciela Sirota in 1962 was the most atrocious and emblematic.

The 19-year-old was kidnapped, tortured and tattooed with a swastika on her chest in revenge for Eichmann’s capture.

A response to David Grossman
By  Amnon Lord
... the first person to accuse Israel of being an apartheid state was Ahmad Shukeiri, a U.N. diplomat, in 1961 in the context of the Eichmann trial. ,

Two Palestinian dreams: Exterminate Israel and a real nation-state

Ahmed Shukairy of the then-3-year-old Palestine Liberation Organization, was asked what would happen to Israelis after the war. “I estimate that none of them will survive,” he replied.

Instead, in what became known as the Six-Day War, Israelis prevailed, taking Gaza from Egypt, and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, from Jordan.


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