Shu tac

 Israel Hits Back at Arab Anti-semitic Calumnies at the United Nations

December 7, 1962



The full time chief of the Israel delegation then came to the anti-Semitic barrage which has been led here by Hussein Zulfacar Sabri, Egypt’s Deputy Foreign Minister, and Ahmad Shukairy, Saudi Arabian delegation chairman backed by a half-dozen other Arab spokesmen. He referred also to Shukairy’s endorsement of the anti-Semitic TACUARA movement in Argentina and his call for “adoption” of Tacuara by the United Nations. He told the committee: “What surprises one is that the cry of Nazism is raised by those whose associations with it make them so vulnerable.”

Mr. Comay alluded to the fact that Egypt has given “key” positions to former SS officers, especially in its propaganda apparatus against Israel and against Jews. He told of the many thousands of survivors from the Nazi holocaust who finally found refuge in Israel and said: “These are among the people whom Mr. Sabri, Mr. Shukairy and their friends have the monumental indecency to smear as Nazis and Fascists. Their attitude has sinister contemporary overtones as well.”

He charged by implication that the Arab delegations are part of a new neo-Nazi-neo Fascist international, saying: “We have known for some time that certain Arab representatives and propagandists in the United States, Latin America and elsewhere, have been maintaining contacts with neo-Nazi and Fascist groups, and seeking cooperation with them in order to exploit anti-Semitism as a political weapon. (When I say anti- Semitism, I know quite well that the Arabs are also of Semitic stock, but my colleagues in the Committee will understand in what sense I use the term.) Some reflection of this association is beginning to creep into our debates.

“We would hope that Mr. Shukairy’s blessing bestowed upon the Tacuara group will serve to focus attention on this phenomenon, and produce a backwash of public sentiment inside and outside the United Nations. Not everyone, however, makes statements as revealing as that of the representative of Saudi Arabia. The technique of Mr. Sabri is a little less clumsy. It consists in trying to pin the Nazi label onto Israel and Zionism, in the hope that the public mind may be confused as between Hitlerism and those to whom it has caused such untold suffering. The public mind will draw its own conclusions.”


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