
What a bigoted biased Wikipedia 'moderator' is doing. Openly outlining his point of view (POV). 

As of August-September 2020, [] his own set out assignments include: 1. what he says:

Rewrite "Tel Aviv and Jaffa deportation", renamed something like 1917 "evacuation" of Gaza and Jaffa ...

2. His obsessive topic about "non-Jews". A frequent subject by anti-Jewish "pubdits" as an excuse for bigotry.
3. What he says:
More on how Israel presented the Eichmann operation to the world.


This 16 yrs anti-Israel bigoted moderator also (Sep.2020) locked the entry for Ahmad Shukairy for fear of exposing Shukairy's fighting for Hitler [ Congressional Record: Proceedings and Debates of the ... Congress, Volume 107, Part 24, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1961. p.5735] and his open knowledge that the Tacuara gang was Neo nazi when he saluted them pn Mov.30.1962 in the UN (as he quoted [ Facts, Volumes 15-17. Anti-defamation League of B'nai B'rith., 1963, p.424] the New York Times which clearly stare this in its Sep.16.1962 headline [ "Argentine Youths in Nazi Group Salute and Cry: 'Hail Tacuara!'; Anti-Semitic Organization, Said to Be Growing, Asserts It Fights 'Zionism, Capitalism and Communism] and has called in that UN diatribe to adopt its principles. And this has caused his removal from the UN. [][ The Jewish Floridian, December 21, 1962, p.1a, p.8a: ''Israel Urges UN Adopt Direct Peace Talk Move."].


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