Hussein Triki

Congressional Record: Proceedings and Debates of the ... Congress, Volume 111, Part 12

United States. Congress

U.S. Government Printing Office, 1965 

Summer 1964: In Argentina, Hussein Triki, traveled through Argentina delivering lectures sharply attacking Judaism and charging that the Jews were planning a "Zionist America." 

May 12, 1964, Nacion Arabe, a newspaper published in Buenos Aires by Hussein Triki, contained a front-page anti-Jewish caricature showing a claw bearing the Star of David attempting to seize Argentina. ..

April 27, 1964: The Argentine Arab Youth Movement distributed leaflets inviting the public to a "big demonstration in support of the Arab League.".. At the meeting, slogans such as "Long Live Hitler," "Nasser and Peron," "Jews to the Crematoria" and "Make Soap out of the Jews" were voiced by participants, many of whom were identified by their uniforms, as well as by their Nazi salute, as members of Tacuara and Guardia Restauradora Nacionalista, neo-Nazi groups. ...

March 9, 1964: El Siglo, leading Argentine daily, denounced Arab League agent Hussein Triki, charging that he was collaborating with anti-Semitic and nationalist groups.

Arab League Agent Charged with Anti-jewish Incitement in Argentina

March 10, 1964 5:00 am

A leading Argentine daily newspaper, El Siglo, denounced today an Arab League agent, Hussein Triki, and charged that he was working closely with key anti-Semitic and nationalist groups in the country.

At the same time, the DAIA, central representative body of Argentine Jewry, send a letter to Interior Minister Juan Palmero, charging Triki with using the canards of the notorious Protocols of the Elders of Zion in his anti-Jewish campaign in Argentina. The letter also declared that Arab League agents were seeking to convert Argentina into “a battlefield for Middle East problems and trying to impose the Arab League boycott on Argentine firms.”

El Siglo asserted that recent statements made by Triki in reply to charges that he sponsored anti-Semitic terrorism in Argentina had provoked a “great impact” in all newspapers and news agencies. The daily reported that Argentine Foreign Ministry sources indicated that the Ministry was worried about the Arab League representative’s activities.

Argentine President Receives Jewish Delegation; Hears of Incitement

April 29, 1964

A delegation of the DAIA, the central representative body of Argentine Jewry, was received today by President Arturo Illia and expressed to him the DAIA’s satisfaction about his unqualified statement that his Government would not permit foreign factors to disturb life in Argentina.

The meeting took place shortly after an Arab League rally was held here with official permission at which speakers repeatedly shouted “long live Hitler” and “Jews to the furnace” and “make soap of them. ” The meeting was sponsored by the “Arab Youth Union” in tribute to Hussein Triki, Arab League chief representative in Argentina.

The pro-Nazi meeting was held in a theater which was jammed by an audience which saw youth members of the Tacuara and the Guardia Nacionalista, two ultra-Nationalist and anti-Semitic groups which have been banned, repeatedly give the Nazi salute while shouting the anti-Semitic slogans.

The DAIA delegation called to the attention of President Illia the renewed anti-Jewish campaign fostered by “foreign perturbers” and described to him the details of the Arab League meeting which was addressed by Triki.

Congressional Record: Proceedings and Debates of the ... Congress, Volume 111, Part 12

United States. Congress

U.S. Government Printing Office, 1965 - Law

May 12, 1964, Nacion Arabe, a newspaper published in Buenos Aires by Hussein Triki, contained a front-page anti-Jewish caricature showing a claw bearing the Star of David attempting to seize Argentina.

Nasser's anti-jewish propaganda - CIA PDF › readingroom › docs

Crítica de las ideas políticas argentinas - Juan José Sebreli - 2011

Hubo denuncias sobre el posible financiamiento de Tacuara por la delegación argentina de la Liga Árabe, cuyo líder, Hussein Triki — miembro de la organización nazi El Mahgreb, colaboradora del Eje en París y Berlín—, mantenía relaciones con algunos miembros de la extrema derecha del peronismo, algunos de éstos de origen árabe, como Raúl Jassen y Envar El Kadri.

ARGENTINA TALKS OF OUSTING ARAB; Official Accused of Leading Anti‐Semitic Campaign

Aug. 9, 1964. Page 9

BUENOS AIRES, Aug. 8 —The Government is weighing the expulsion of a high official of the Arab League who has been accused of directing a hate campaign against Argentine Jews and Israel, a high official disclosed today.

The contemplated Foreign Ministry action against Hussein Triki, acting head of the league office here, would be the first public move to counter the recent wave of anti‐Semitism that Jewish community leaders believe is being promoted by Arab states in a worldwide drive to discredit Israel.

Mr. Triki, an Egyptian, has been conducting a campaign in which he portrays “international Zionism” as an ally of the Castro conspiracy in Latin America and in which he has questioned the loyalty of Argentine Jews toward their country.

The campaign has been conducted through press conferences, publications and posters. It has drawn the increasing criticism of political leaders, the strongest being a demand by the provincial legislature of Cordoba that Mr. Triki be expelled. Firm police measures to repress anti‐Semitism also were demanded.

The league office, representing 13 Arab states, ostensibly complements diplomatic missions in spreading the idea of Arab‐Latin American cooperation. But it appears to be devoting its efforts largely to the denunciation of Jewish organizations as betrayors of Argentina's sovereignty.

The influence of the campaign was shown last month when a spate of charges in the league's monthly publication, Nacón Arabe, that Jewish civic groups and schools were plotting with Castro agents to subvert political and economic order served as the basis for a demand by a Peronist deputy, Juan Comejo Linares, that Congress investigate the loyalty of Jews working for the Government and look into the activities of these Jewish organizations.

Two weeks ago an explosion demolished four stories of a residential hotel, killing 11 persons. The explosion was caused by plastic bombs stored by a Communist cell, according to the police.

Mr. Triki called a press conference at which he said that the incident “fully confirms that a Zionist conspiracy is at work using Castro Communists as a cover.” Simultaneously, Nacion Arabe posters were put up throughout the city charging Jewish complicity in the spectacular explosion and saying that Israel was arming the Argentine terrorists.

Jewish leaders are fearful of the impact the campaign is having in creating an atmosphere of suspicion and hostility toward Argentina's half million Jews.

The campaign has begun to create concern within the Government. Until recently it took the position that the issue was being overemphasized by Jewish leaders. President Arturo U. Illia promised a delegation of Progressive Democratic party officials Friday that he would speed changes in the rules of criminal procedure that would enable the Government to outlaw the Tacuara and other rightist groups posing a threat to peace.

Interior Minister Juan Palmero said today he was studying the recent anti‐Semitic outbreaks to determine how they could he avoided.

The Notional Jewish POST and OPINION Friday, September 25, 1964 p.12

Arab League Removes Triki in Latin America

BUENOS AIRES — Hussein Triki, director of the Arab League office for Latin America and the conductor of often vicious anti-Semitic and anti-Zionist campaigns during his tenure, has been replaced, according to the (London) Jewish Chronicle.

The new director is Efam Helmy El Masry. Triki, who is on an “extended vacation” in Tunisia, is expected to return later this year as his assistant. Triki had long been a source of both official and unofficial embarrassment to Argentine authorities. However, he was not asked to leave because they did not wish to offend the Arab countries. Also, Triki married an Argentine woman, causing difficulties in his visa status.

However, matters came to a head recently as various segments of Argentine society mounted a public campaign of protest against Triki. It is believed Argentina finally was forced to take the initiative to “suggest” he leave the country as soon as possible, a suggestion to which he complied.

Argentina Reports Hussein Triki, Arab League Agent, Has Left

JTA, 1964/08/31 

Hussein Triki, foremost agent of the Arab League in Argentina, has left this country, according to press reports here today.

Triki, who has been distributing anti-Israel propaganda and has been spreading literature inciting anti-Semitism, has been the subject of numerous complaints recently by leaders of the Argentine Jewish community, who demanded his expulsion from this country.

Deportation of Arab Propagandist from Argentina Under Consideration; Mercy Killer Attempts to Evade Extradition BUENOS AIRES — (JTA) — Plans for the possible expulsion from this country of Hussein Triki, the Arab ....

along with the neo- Nazi Tacuara movement, but both these organizations continue to operate..

The American Jewish Year Book

Vol. 66 (1965), pp. 333-339 (7 pages)

Published By: American Jewish Committee


Along with the well-known Tacuara and Guardia Restauradora Naciona-

lista fascist-type movements (AJYB, 1964 [Vol. 65], p. 183), the Arab League intensified its activities against the State of Israel and against the local Jewish community. Headed by Hussein Triki, an admitted Nazi sympathizer, the Arab League had connections with many influential circles. Its voice was the Nacion Arabe, a magazine that stressed the bogey of Jewish "dual allegiance" and asserted that "rich Jewish capitalists" sent all their money to Israel. It

urged an economic and political boycott of Israel, acknowledged contact with illegal Nazi groups in Argentina, and, under the guise of anti-Zionism, conducted an intense anti-Jewish campaign. To combat these activities, DAIA made continuous representations to all high government officials and all political parties. In Rosario an Arab-Jewish League was organized to improve

relations between the two groups. In September Triki was recalled to Egypt

and was replaced by General Esam Helmy El Masry. In August Nation Arabe ceased publication. It was replaced in September by another magazine, Patria Bdrabara, which closed down three months later.

Antisemitic manifestations included synagogue bombings...

DOI: 10.2307/23603173

The Jews of Argentina: From the Inquisition to Perón - Page 255 - Robert Weisbrot, ‎Robert Murciano - 1979

Under the guidance of Hussein Triki , one of the Arab League ' s top officers , the Argentine branch required scarcely a decade to become the major source of anti-semitic literature in the nation.

Triki had had ample preparation for his work in Argentina. During the Second World War, he had collaborated with the Nazis in Tunisia , manufacturing propaganda bulletins against the Allies. As the Anglo - American soldiers pressed the Nazis across the North African sands, Triki retreated to Paris and Berlin to play a leading role in Maghreb , an Arab - run organization that promoted the Nazi war effort . Triki churned out a barrage of anti - Jewish distortions as head of the Arab League in Argentina.

The Ideological Origins of the Dirty War: Fascism, Populism, and Dictatorship in Twentieth Century Argentina -  Federico Finchelstein - Oxford University Press, Mar 21, 2014 - History - 232 pages

Triki, who had been accused in an American Jewish publication of having

been a collaborator of the Nazis in the Middle East during World War II, had a long list of nacionalista acquaintances in Argentina, long list of nacionalista acquaintances in Argentina, including famous ones like Manuel Fresco and Alberto Baldrich, An antiSemite who was well informed of the traditions of Argentine fascism, Triki quoted from the fake antiSemitic tract The Protocols of the Elders of Zion and from the work of Hugo Wast. Like Wast and most Argentine fascists, Triki believed in the existence of a Jewish plan against Argentina.

Argentine Jews in the Age of Revolt: Between the New World and the Third World

By Beatrice D. Gurwitz, BRILL, Sep 29, 2016 - page 58

The monthly magazine revista Árabe ran a piece by Hussein Triki, the 

Arab League representative in Buenos Aires, who added to the antisemitic vitriol in suggesting that Jews were engaged in a Zionist conspiracy to infiltrate Argentina. Historian Leonardo Senkman, and many Jewish observers at the time, believed that attacking Zionists rather than Jews explicitly was an antisemitic decoy, a means of “legitimating antisemitic and xenophobic ideology."

Latin American Report - 

Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, 1984  - p.2

The campaign for a PLO office in Buenos Aires is allegedly led Hussein Triki, from Brazil, through "Accion Americana Arabe" in collaboration  between with  ...

Serrano , an active member of the world - wide anti - Semitic Holocaust revisionist

AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK, 1978. Published 1977. p.324

Anti-Jewish activity related to the Arab-Israeli conflict has also surfaced. In February 1977 the community was alarmed by the presence in Venezuela of Hussein Triki, a Tunisian who had been a Nazi collaborator. His antisemitic activities were known to Latin American Jews particularly from the 1960s, when he had been secretary of the Arab League office in Buenos Aires. Triki was invited to speak at the Central University of Venezuela and before the Venezuelan Press Association, ostensibly to discuss the Middle East situation and to publicize his book, He aqui

Palestina: el sionismo al desnudo ("Palestine Revealed: Zionism Unmasked"). Intense efforts were made to alert the Venezuelan government to his background and

to prevent him from establishing a base of operations in the country. Other than Triki, Abelardo Raidi, who was of Arab descent, a former congressional deputy, and

a columnist for the prestigious Caracas daily El Nacional, has been disseminating the pro-Arab line. 

In June 1975 the walls of the city of Valencia were plastered with

posters announcing a mass meeting in support of the Palestinian people and warning

against "Zionist penetration in national politics and the economy."..

Arab Propagandist, Ousted by Argentina, Now in Venezuela

March 8, 1977

Hussein Triki, an Arab propagandist ousted by the Argentine government in 1964 because of his inflammatory anti-Semitic actions, is now in operation in Venezuela, according to the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith. Triki, as head of the Arab League office in Buenos Aires in the early 1960s, worked closely with Tacuara, a rightwing, anti-Semitic group, and other neo-Nazi elements in Argentina.

Gerald M. Quiat, vice-chairman of ADL’s Latin American affairs committee, said that Triki is using the same tactics in Venezuela as he did in Argentina and has the same goals–to promote the Arab cause through hatred of Jews and Israel.

Triki launched his propaganda campaign in Venezuela in January with a lecture on “International Zionism” at the School of Journalism of the Central University of Venezuela in Caracas. He also began distributing his book, “Zionism Unmasked,” which has a foreword by Dr. Domingo Alberto Rangel, a Venezuelan economist who is a fierce opponent of the present government.


Although he denies being anti-Jewish, Triki says in his lectures that he “cannot speak of Zionism without speaking of Judaism.” He attacks what he describes as the Jews’ efforts to dominate the world and cites the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion” as proof. Advocating that Israelis should be returned to the lands from which they came, he declares that “we cannot make peace with those who have robbed our homes.”

Just as he did in Argentina, Triki tells Venezuelan audiences that Jews are more loyal to Israel than to the countries in which they live. He takes credit for Tacuara’s propaganda tactic to gain public support by attacking Jews as “Zionists,” and therefore subversive, Quiat reported.

According to the ADL official, Triki’s Nazi leanings date back to World War II when he belonged to the “Neo-Destour,” an organization in Tunisia, which operated with the consent of German authorities during the Nazi occupation. He also did propaganda work against the Allies in collaboration with the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, who was in charge of Nazi broadcasts to the Middle East, and with pro-Nazi Arab emigres in Germany.

Quiat said that Triki poses a threat to the 15,000 Jews in Venezuela. “In view of his record as an anti-Semitic agitator,” the ADL official said, “we hope that the government of Venezuela will take appropriate measures to prevent his stimulating internal discord.”

Israeli-Latin American Relations - Page 22

Edy Kaufman, Yoram Shapira, Joel Barromi · 1979 · History

The Arab League... in most cases it was relations with the extreme Right and antisemitic groups that was stressed. This happened in the case of Hussein Triki in Argentina, whose scandalous behavior and relations with proNazi circles provoked, in the early 1960s, reactions even from Arab diplomatic circles.

El peor atentado en un siglo - Diario Río Negro . Jul 18, 2004 · ... En un informe de 2000, la Delegación de Asociaciones Israelitas Argentinas), la mayor entidad política de la colectividad judía, reseñó que entre la Primera y la Segunda Guerra Mundial proliferaron publicaciones y organizaciones como la Liga Patriótica y la Alianza Libertadora Nacionalista que sintonizaron con el ascenso nazi en Europa. Los ideólogos antisemitas de la época eran Manuel Carlés, Hugo Wast, Julián Martel y el sacerdote Julio Meinville. En la posguerra, con Juan Perón en el gobierno (1945-55), las condiciones fueron más favorables para la integración, pero en los 60 hubo una nueva profusión de agrupaciones ultranacionalistas como la Guardia Restauradora Nacionalista, la Cruzada Nacional, Trinchera y la Hermandad Nacionalista. Esas agrupaciones tenían contacto con Hussein Triki, por entonces representante de la liga de Estados Arabes, vinculado con el mufti de Jerusalén, antiguo aliado de Adolf Hitler, puntualiza la publicación de la DAIA. Uno de aquellos grupos, Tacuara, desplegó durante varios años agresiones de variada gravedad que llegaron hasta el asesinato a tiros del joven militante comunista Raúl Alterman, y el secuestro y tortura de la estudiante Graciela Sirota, quien sufrió cortes en el pecho con forma de cruz esvástica. De los 30.000 desaparecidos que provocó la última dictadura (1976-83), según las organizaciones de derechos humanos, unos 1.500 eran de origen judío, de acuerdo con los datos de la organización Simón Wiesenthal. Silvia Chab, autora en el 2001 de “Entre la crisis y la esperanza. La comunidad judeo-argentina tras el atentado de la AMIA”, señaló a la AFP que mientras los judíos son menos del 1% de la población argentina, los desaparecidos de ese origen suman entre el 5 y el 10%, según qué cantidades se consideren ciertas. Testimonios de sobrevivientes indicaron que “los represores exhibieron un especial ensañamiento con los prisioneros de origen judío”, dijo la autora. Chab afirmó que a lo largo del siglo hubo decenas de intimidaciones, bombas, amenazas, panfletos, profanación de tumbas, ataques a sinagogas, graffitis y hasta iniciativas legislativas antisemitas...

Journal of Iberian and Latin American Research 

Volume 20, 2014 - Issue 2


The Question of Palestine in the Argentine Political Imaginary: Anti-Imperialist Thought from Cold War to Neoliberal Order

Jessica Stites Mor

Pages 183-197 | Published online: 27 Aug 2014

Taylor & Francis Online

...In 1964, Hussein Triki, an active Nazi sympathizer and collaborator during the Second World War, served as delegate of..

Sociological Abstracts - Volume 15 - Page 479 - Leo P. Chall -  Sociological Abstracts, Incorporated, 1967

However, " the most important neo - Nazi front org today is the Arab League" led by a pro-Nazi Arab, Triki.

Jewish Frontier - Page 16 - 1967

THE Most important neo-Nazi front organizazation today is the Arab League. It conducts what is to all intents and purposes an anti-Semitic campaign through Hussein Triki,” its representative. Triki has pronounced Nazi leanings, a fact recorded in the Allied World War II archives. He belonged to the illegal “Neo- Destour” 

movement in Tunisia, which operated freely and with the consent of the German authorities during the Nazi occupation. After the Allied victory at El Alamein, Triki fled to the German-occupied sector ...

Jewish Frontier - Page 17 - 1967

All the same, when Triki appeared and the audience burst into applause, the Argentine Nazis again gave the Hitler salute. Two young men spoke on behalf of the Argentine Arabs, repeating time-worn phrases about Jews, Zionism and Israel.

In the Dispersion - Volumes 5-7 - Page 154 - 1966

Today Adolf Eichmann Junior lives with his family in Olivos , and runs a garage there.

Neo - Nazism and the Arab League The most important neo - Nazi front organization today is the Arab League. It conducts what is to all intents and purposes an anti-Semitic campaign through Hussein Triki, its representative . Triki has pronounced Nazi leanings , a fact recorded in the Allied World War II archives. He belonged to the illegal "NeoDestour" movement in Tunisia , which operated freely and with the consent of the German authorities during the Nazi occupation. After the Allied victory at El Alamein, Triki fled to the German - occupied sector where he carried on propaganda against the Allies.

In Berlin and Paris Triki collaborated with the “Maghreb” organization, a bureau run by North Africans who worked for Axis war industries. During World War II Triki was in contact with Arab pro - Nazi émigrés. He collaborated with Amin El Husseini, the Mufti of Jerusalem, who was then in charge of Nazi propaganda broadcasts to the Middle East. Triki first visited Argentine in 1955 at first..

Triki first visited Argentina in 1955 . At that time he represented the FLN , and made contact with various young left - wing, nationalist and Peronist elements, who greeted him as an anti - imperialist fighter. This explains his great prestige in influential Argentine political circles, labor leaders included.

As Arab League representative, Triki opened his career by declaring that "he was not an anti-Semite, since he himself was Semitic” . His job, he said , was "to fight international Zionism, the common enemy of the Argentine and Arab peoples.” Triki publishes a magazine called The Arab Nation. It has very wide circulation, and is sent to diplomats, ministers, senators, members.

Attitudes towards Jews in Argentina

Victor A. Mirelman

Jewish Social Studies

Vol. 37, No. 3/4 (Summer - Autumn, 1975), pp. 205-220 (16 pages)

Published By: Indiana University Press DOI: 10.2307/4466890

Jewish social studies - Volume 37 - Page 214 - 1975

During the early 1960s, the League was headed by its most audacious agitator, Hussein Triki. Triki developed a broad spectrum of Arab propaganda and managed to create embarrassing situations within Argentine pressure groups.

In 1964 he announced that the Confederacion General del el trabajo (CGT General Confederation of Labor) had subscribed to an anti-Jewish act promoted by the Arab League, forcing the CGT to deny it through the press.

During the same year important personalities in the three branches of government, in the three divisions of the Armed Forces, as well as in the Church hierarchy and the the labor movement, were approached in order to promote antisemitic sentiments both in person and by means of letters and leaflets.”

The slogans of Arab propaganda in Argentina do not differ from those utilized in other parts of the world. Already during the 1950s anti-Zionism was the major concern. Anything that smacked of antisemitism was considered to be against the  “fictitious” State of Israel, or anti-imperialism, or anti-colonialism. Because Argentina has a large majority of Catholics, it was often alleged that Holy places were desecrated in Israel and that the Catholic Church was persecuted there.,+Hussein+Triki%22

Argentina, Israel, and the Jews: Perón, the Eichmann Capture and After - Raanan Rein - 2002 - p. 402
Throughout the 1960s, Tacuara drew additional inspiration for its antiSemitic and anti-Israel views from contacts both with neo-Nazi organizations in other countries and Hussein Triki, the Arab League's representative in Buenos Aires, who promoted anti-Semitism under cover of anti-Zionism and as part of the anticolonialistanti-imperialist struggle
Triki told Catholic circles  in Argentina that the Christian holy places in Israel were being desecrated and that the Catholic Church was persecuted there.” During the years of World War II, Triki had been a member of the nationalist movement in Tunisia.
After the Allied victory in El Alamein, Triki escaped to Nazi-controlled territory where he disseminated propaganda against the Allies, collaborating with the Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin El-Husseini, who at the time was directing Nazi propaganda broadcasts in the Middle East.

Argentine Jews Or Jewish Argentines?: Essays on Ethinicity, Identity, and Diaspora - Raanan Rein - BRILL, Jan 1, 2010 - Social Science - 286 pages - page 176

In 1960–1963, Tacuara underwent a number of divisions and schisms as a result of personal ...

In the 1960s Tacuara drew additional inspiration for its anti-Semitic and anti-Israel views from contacts with both neo-Nazi organizations in other countries and Hussein Triki, the Arab League's representative in Buenos Aires, who promoted anti-Semitism under cover of anti-Zionism...

Arab Attitudes to Israel - Yehoshafat Harkabi · 2017 · History Regarding them as their allies, the Arabs have established contacts with the anti-Semitic movements...

The offices of the Arab League are used as a centre for the dissemination of anti-Jewish material. 

Arab publications issued abroad, especially in South America, contain incitement against the Jews. For example, virulent anti-Jewish material, including extracts from The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, has been been published in Nacion Arabe, a periodical published in Argentina. Jose Baxter, leader of the Tacuara in Argentina, has visited Egypt...

Shukairy defended the Tacuara at the UN, expressing the hope that it would spread to other Latin-American countries and that the UN would adopt its principles.

The Jews: A Contrary People - 

Yehuda Bauer - LIT Verlag Münster, 2014 - History - 304 pages - Page 135

Triki, a Tunisian, appeared on Al-Alam TV (an Iranian station!, although, as indicated, Triki is a Sunni), on March 2, 2011. This is what he said: "The holocaust was invented by global Zionism.

MENRI - Mar 01, 2011

Hussein Triki, Former Arab League Representative in Argentina: The Holocaust Was Invented by Global Zionism, Israel Betrayed the US by Not Giving It Prior Warning of 9/11

#2858 | 03:51

Source: Al-Alam TV (Iran)

Following are excerpts from an interview with Tunisian "Mujahid" Hussein Triki, former Arab League Representative in Argentina, which aired on Al-Alam TV on March 2, 2011:

Hussein Triki: In 1956, I visited all the countries in Latin America, and I reached the conclusion that the peoples of Latin America are the group of people closest to the Arab and Islamic nation, since they originated from Andalusia. Granada fell on January 2, 1492, and the American continent was discovered on October 12, 1492, a mere nine months and ten days after the fall of Granada.

All the waves of the people who reached those countries with Christopher Columbus came from Andalusia.


Interviewer: You were in Germany and closely followed the talk about the so-called Holocaust. What do you say about this matter?

Hussein Triki: The Holocaust was invented by global Zionism. The proof of this is that they presented different figures: Once they said that there were two million victims and whatever, until they reached the figure of six million Jews.


Interviewer: Some believe that the so-called 9/11 events are a variation on the theme of the so-called Holocaust. What do you think?

Hussein Triki: August 11...

Interviewer: September 11...

Hussein Triki: That's right, September 11, 2001... I discussed this in my book, in a study conducted by David [Duke], who was a member of parliament of the Louisiana Agency [sic] in the US. This study proved – or tried to prove – that if Israel was not among those who fabricated 9/11, it at the very least had prior knowledge of it, and it betrayed the US by refraining from warning it.


The greater danger comes from the Ashkenazi Jews. They originated in Central Europe, where some tribes converted to Judaism, and formed global Zionism, which aims to conquer the world.


Creating a “usable” past: On holocaust denial and distortion

September 06, 2020

by Yehuda Bauer

The Shi'ite regime in Iran strongly denies the Holocaust, and this was especially the case during the presidency of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. A congress on denial was held in Tehran in 2006, and another in 2009. One Hamid Reza Nikbakhsh (a member of the Iranian World War II Society in Tehran) published an e-book entitled The Holocaust: The Jews’ Greatest Lie. Holocaust denial unites Sunni and Shi'ite radicals. Thus, Hussein Triki, the former Arab League representative in Argentina, a Sunni—and not a radical Islamist but rather a mainstream figure—appeared on the Iranian Al-Alam network on March 2, 2011, and said that “the Holocaust was invented by global Zionism. The proof of this is that they presented different figures.” 


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