Jamal Husseini

Arab Islamic “Palestinian” Leader Jamal Husseini: “America is our greatest enemy.” (1946)


Arab Islamic “Palestinian” Leader

Members of the Arab Higher Committee
right to left: Ahmad Shukeiri, Hussein al-Khaldi, Jamal Husseini, Ahmed Halmi (holding a walking stick), Yusuf Heykal (mayor of Jaffa)

Brief Bio

Born in 1892; graduate from the Anglican School in Jerusalem; studied medicine at the American University of Beirut but was interrupted by the outbreak of World War I; served after the war in the British Military Government in the health department, as local adviser to the Governor of Nablus and as assistant to the Governor of Ramleh; was member of both, the Nadi al-Arabi and the Mun-tada al-Adabi organizations in 1918/19; later member of the pro-Husseini majle-siyoun faction; elected representative to the 6th Congress of the Arab Executive Committee (June 1923, Jaffa) for Jerusalem and to the 7th (June 1928) for Bethlehem; elected secretary of the Executive Committee at the congresses from 1920-1928; secretary of the Supreme Muslim Council from 1927-30; suspected by the Jews of organising the revolt of 1929; member of the Palestinian Delegation to London in 1930; organizer and chairman of the Mufti’s Palestine Arab party, established in 1935; member of the Arab Higher Committee in Palestine 1936-37 and its representative to the UN 1947-48; Mufti’s representative and president of the Palestinian delegation to the London Conference, St. James’s Palace, February 1939; in 1940-41 active among Palestinian exiles in Iraq; caught by the British after escape from Iraq and exiled to Southern Rhodesia; returned to Palestine in 1946 and elected vice president of the Arab Higher Executive (Fourth Higher Committee of the Arab League); reorganized his party and formed its paramilitary youth organization al-Futuwwa; named foreign minister to the All-Palestine Government, established in 1948; from the late 50’s to 70’s worked as consultant to Saudi Arabia; died on July 3, 1982.

* Grand Mufti’s associate in Nazi-collaboration.

* Involved in [Rashid Ali al-Gailani’s] pro-Nazi coup.

A safe haven: Harry S. Truman and the founding of Israel – Page 213 – Allis Radosh, Ronald Radosh, HarperCollins, 2009, p, 213

Emil Ghouri, the head of the Arab delegation to UNSCOP, and delegates Wasef Kamal and Rasem Khalidi as “notorious for … association with the Mufti and his Axis activities.”

Mufti’s Jamal Husseini… had joined the Mufti in Iraq in 1939… organized a pro-Axis fifth column that led to the anti-British rebellion.

[…] In the Hague, Arab students were trained in explosives and parachuted into Turkey, Syria, and Iraq.

* Founding the ‘Palestine Arab Party,’ boasting as being inspired by German Nazism.

* His Nazi Scouts: al-Futuwwa.

The PLO: the rise and fall of the Palestine Liberation Organization, Volume 1984, Part 2
Jillian Becker, [Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1984] Page 19

In March 1935 the Husseinis also formed a party, called the Palestinian Arab Party.
It was, as its president Jamal Husseini freely boasted, inspired by German Nazism. It included a ‘youth troop’, modelled on the Hitler Youth, for a while actually called the ‘Nazi Scouts’.

http://books.google.com/books?cd=1&id=H7BtAAAAMAAJ&dq=Nazi+Scouts AD

Righteous victims: a history of the Zionist-Arab conflict, 1881-1999 – Page 124 – Benny Morris – [Random House, Inc] 1999 – 751 pages

… the Husseinis in March 1935 formed the Palestinian Arab Party, whose platform for resistance to the establishment of a Jewish National Home. It set up its own youth corps. al-Futuwwa (the name of an association of Arab knights during the Middle Ages). which resembled Germany’s Hitler Youth and was officially designated the “Nazi Scouts.” At Ihe founding meeting 011 February 11, 1936, Jamal al- Husseini, a principal aide of Hajj Amin, declared that Hitler had stalled out with only six followers and now had sixty million. The fisrt seventy al-Futuwwa recruits took the following oath: “Life — my right: independence — my aspiration: Arabism — my principle: Palestine — my country, and there is no room in it for any but Arabs. In this I believe and Allah is my witness.”
The Husseini-Nazi connection… through the 1930s and early 1940s.

Armies of the young: child soldiers in war and terrorism By David M. Rosen, page 106

…Palestinian students educated in Germany returned to Palestine determined to found the Arab Nazi Party. The Husseinis used the Palestinian Arab Party to establish the al-Futuwwa youth corps, which was named after an association of Arab Nazi Scouts. By 1936 the Palestinian Arab Party was sponsoring the developments of storm troops patterned on the German model. These storm troops, all children and youth, were to be outfitted in black trousers and red shirts… The young recruits took the following oath: “Life — my right; independence — my aspiration; Arabism — my country, and there is no room in it for any but Arabs. In this I believe and Allah is my witness.”
The al-Futuwwa youth groups connected Palestinian youth to fascist youth movements elsewhere in the Middle East. While the Mufti was establishing youth groups in Palestine, al-Futuwwa groups were established in Iraq.

A durable peace: Israel and its place among the nations – Page 209 – Binyamin Netanyahu – 2000 – 482 pages

during this period in Damascus would appreciate the inclination of the Arab people to Nazism, for Nazism was the power … the Palestinian Arab party, which party leader Jamal Husseini asserted was based on the Nazi model

* Deputy of AHC (Arab Higher Committee).

* Stated in 1946: “America is our greatest enemy.”

* Declared a suicidal Jihad – British weren’t impressed!

1948: a history of the first Arab-Israeli war
Benny Morris [Yale University Press] 2008, pages: 34, 59, 82, 89

[p. 34]
One Foreign Office cable, in the wake of the report, spoke of Arab hatred of the Jews as being greater than that of the Nazis. The AHC—in a letter from Jamal Husseini to Attlee—issued an “ultimatum” and threatened “jihad.” In a follow-up interview with British high commissioner Sir Alan Cunningham, Husseini declared his willingness “to die” for the cause. When Cunningham responded that this didn’t really trouble him and that what worried him was the welfare of “the ordinary Arab population,” Husseini rejoined that “they were prepared to die too.”

 The publication of the report triggered violent demonstrations in Baghdad and Palestine; in Beirut, the US Information Center was set on fire. At least one Baghdad newspaper called for jihad: “The Arabs must proclaim a [p. 35] crusade [that is, holy war] to save the Holy Land from [the] western gang which understands only the language of force.” Another called on the Arabs to “annihilate all European Jews in Palestine. The AAC report was officially condemned by the Arab League Council meeting at Bludan, Syria on 8-10 June 1946.

[p. 59]
AHC representative Jamal Husseini put it: “America is our greatest enemy.”

[p. 82]
The AHC theoretically functioned as a cabinet, with the exiled Haj Amin al-Husseini as president and Jamal Husseini as his deputy.

[p. 89]
The Futuwwa was founded at the end of 1935 by Jamal Husseini as the Arab Party’s youth corps; the Nazi Party or the Hitlerjugend appear to have been his model..


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