Mufti, overview book, 1974, Thomas

 On April 7, 1941, after explicit agreements with Hitler and in collaboration with the Abwehr, the Mufti together with a military conspiracy known as the “golden square,” carried out a pronunciamento which put the pro-German Rashid Ali el Gailani to power.

This worthy, whose regime was promptly recognized by the USSR, declared war on Britain and Husseini called for a jihad. 

The nazis were unable to provide much help and before other Arab coups occurred, the British restored order, and before other Arab coups occurred, the British restored order, and Rashid Ali and the Mufti fled, not before they organized a bloody pogrom in Baghdad. 

The nazis had been penetrating Iraq since 1935. The Rashid Ali operation, however, originated with the Mufti who approached Hitler on January 20, 1941, at a time when nazi planning for the attack on the USSR entered its final stage. 

The specifics of the operation seem to have been suggested by the nazis but the undertaking was immediately in trouble because Germany got involved in an unexpected war with Yugoslavia. If Rashid Ali had been able to hold out, the situation in Syria might have turned against the British...

It wasn't the Mufti's fault that the Iraq strategy failed: Nazi planning had been very deficient. The significance of the Iraq incident remains unrecognized. 

When the Mufti and his henchmen came to nazi Germany, they put their talents at the disposal of the Fuehrer. The Mufti met Hitler on November.. 1941. 

Hitler told him that he was primarily fighting the Jews “without respite” and that Jewry was running both Britain and the USSR. 

He vowed to keep up his fight “until the complete destruction of the judeo-bolshevik rule was accomplished” and promised that upon reaching the southern Caucasus he would issue a declaration on Arab independence. 

The Mufti submitted several drafts. The agreed-upon version contained the proviso that the Arabs were accorded the right to resolve the Jewish problem in Palestine and Arab countries by the same method that question was being settled in Europe.

Hitler did not reach the southern Caucasus, and the declaration was never issued but the document discloses the intent of the then foremost Arab leader.

While waiting for nazi victory, the Mufti performed as spiritual mentor of the Axis propaganda which was directed

at the Arabs. He and his collaborators ran a school for Arab parachutists and saboteurs. He established an Arab legion and helped the nazis in organizing Moslem forces from Bosnia, Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Azerbaijan, and Turkestan.

He repeatedly proposed the bombing of Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. The Mufti was in close contact with Himmler, elements of the S.S., and the Gestapo offices in charge of Jewish affairs. 

<ref>Stefan Thomas Possony, "Waking Up the Giant: The Strategy for American Victory and World Freedom". Arlington House, 1974.  p.465. 







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