June 1, 1956 Daily News from New York, New York · 45 Syria Demands: Talk On Pre-lsrael Basis By PETER WALLENBERG Syria demanded in the UN Security Council yesterday that everything the United Nations had done in the Palestine question,... the political aspects of the Palestine dispute. Shukairy tore into the British resolution that is backed by the U. S. and France and which would empower Hammarskjold to continue bis efforts toward "a peaceful settlement on a mutually acceptable basis." "The establishment of Israel, its membership in the UN and all other resolutions will have to be revoked," Shukairy said. "Then, and only then," he added, "the United Nations can look forward to a solution on a mutually acceptable basis." Israel's envoy, Abba Eban, take ever Israel and quoted Shukairy's word that Israel was just a part of southern Syria. https://www.newspapers.com/newspage/455603792/ Vochenblatt - Jun 7, 1956, p.1 Ahmed Shukairy of ...
Parker T. Hart, "Saudi Arabia and the United States: Birth of a Security Partnership," Indiana University Press, 1998, p.167 He had managed in 1962 to send on vacation ” the headstrong Saudi UN permanent representative , Ahmad Shukairi. Under King Saud, Shukairi had been accustomed to largely having his own way in representing Saudi positions before the United Nations. These were consistently anti-British (Saud had broken relations with Britain over the 1956 Suez War) and highly critical of US policy on matters relating to Palestine and Israel. Representations by Shukairi on these matters were part of his standing duties, but the language he used was fiery and often extreme. Faisal replaced him on an acting basis with a venerable family retainer, Jamil Baroody, a man totally devoted to Faisal. https://books.google.com/books?id=7sgjntLGROwC&pg=PA167
Amerasia; a Review of America and the Far East - Volume 7 - 1943 - Page 84-85 - (Contributor, Philip Jacob Jaffe) Amerasia, Incorporated, 1943 THE AXIS AND THE MOSLEM WORLD Nazi propaganda also promoted race-consciousness among the members of the Arab, Iranian, and Turanian (that is, Turkish) races, occasionally adding ideas of Pan-Islamic expansion into Central Asia against Soviet Russia. In countries of mixed populations, the Nazis exploited conflicts that had been previously utilized by the older imperialisms: between Moslems and Hindus in India, between the Moslems of Syria and the Christians of neighboring Lebanon, between Arabs and Jews in Palestine. They also organized, financed and armed most of the anti-Semitic and anti-British terroristic activities in Palestine and elsewhere. Personnel of the German Propaganda Machine To carry out these widespread campaigns and to prepare further infiltrations for their ultimate objectives, the Nazis needed a numerous, well-skilled and disci...
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