Arab Nazi Parties, 2

There were a number of strong pre - war Arab - Nazi organizations — the Iron Shirts (led by Fakhri al-Barudi of the National Bloc, member of the Syrian Parliament to this day); the League for National Action (headed by Abu al-Huda al-Yafi, Dr. Zaki al-Jabi and others); the An - Nadi al-Arabi Club of Damascus (headed by Dr. Said Abd al-Fattah al-Imam); 

the “Councils for the Defence of Arab Palestine” (headed by well - known pro - Nazi leaders, such as Nabih al-Azma, Adil Arslan and others); the “Syrian National Party” (led by the Fascist Anton Saada, who escaped during the war to the Germans and was sent by them to the Argentine). The National Bloc, the principal party in Syria, and more particularly the Istiqlal group (headed by Shukri al - Kuwatli, now President of the Syrian Republic) had for many years been openly pro-Nazi. 

Before the war, Baldur von Schirach , leader of the Hitlerjugend, visited Syria on a special mission and established close contact with these circles and with the Arab youth organisation.

Arabs: Politics and People - Samuel Rolbant - Amal Publications, 1948 - Page 25

American Christian Palestine Committee (1946) "The Arab War Effort: A Documented Account," p.7


Congressional Record: Proceedings and Debates of the ... Congress

United States. Congress · 1967

[June 15, 1967]

... promises League for National Action (headed by Abu an efficient and active pressure group ...  , al-Huda al - Yafi , Dr. Zaki al - Jabi and others);  the An - Nadi al - Arabi Club of Damascus headed by Dr.

The Middle East and Arab Countries: A Collection of Pamphlets - Issue 11 of The Middle East and Arab Countries: A Collection of Pamphlets]- p.25

Syria and the USA: Washington's Relations with Damascus from Wilson to Eisenhower -  Sami Moubayed — Bloomsbury Publishing, Feb 7, 2012 - pp.42-43

Prominent nationalists in Syria took up Hitler's cause, notably the youth leader Fakhri al-Barudi, and the Damascus notable Shukri al-Quwatli, aided by King Farouk of Egypt, who was also vehemently pro -Nazi. One vehicle for advancing Nazi goals in Syria was al-Nadi al-Arabi (The Arab Club) a secular organization that preached Arab nationalism and emancipation from European control. It was founded by Said Fattah al-Imam, young Syrian educated in Berlin during the inter-war years, who was close to both Quwatli and Barudi. In 1936, Imam travelled twice to Germany, once even meeting personally with Hitler to try to talk him in to shipping arms to the Palestinians and Syrians...


Another Tack: Stolen Arab art

In the netherworld Goebbels must have been rubbing his hands in glee. His Big Lie yet thrives.


JANUARY 26, 2006 14:29

...the Arabs adored Hitler and were unequivocally, enthusiastically and actively on the Axis side. Their revered leader Haj Amin el-Husseini spent WWII in Berlin as Hitler's personal guest and head of a pan-Arab government-in-exile. The Third Reich generously funded him. He recruited Muslim volunteers from Bosnia and Kosovo to the Axis forces, broadcast venomous anti-Jewish tirades in Arabic, visited Auschwitz, blueprinted its replica near Nablus, hobnobbed with Hitler, Himmler and Eichmann, foiled the exchange of 10,000 Jewish children and sealed Hungarian Jewry's fate. His association with Nazi Germany predates his wartime services to it. His bloody uprising in 1936-39 was financed by Hitler and actively abetted by German Templers resident here since the 19th century. Already in 1937 Goebbels noted that "in Palestine they hoist Nazi flags and deck their homes with swastikas and portraits of Hitler." Indeed Arabs latched onto Nazi ideology with relish. Fascist parties proliferated - from Syria's Nationalist Socialists headed by Anton Saada to Ahmed Hussein's Young Egypt. During the war Mufti disciples hoarded arms, trained to assist Rommel's invading Afrika Korps, sheltered German paratroopers, engaged in espionage, disseminated German propaganda and greeted each other with Nazi salutes and loud "Heil Hitlers." Even postwar they continued to name newborns after Hitler and Eichmann (like PLO luminary Salim el-Mahri, a.k.a. Abu-Hitler, chief of Arafat's Force-17). 

THE LINK between Arab enmity to the Jewish state and the Nazi "final solution to the Jewish problem" remains inextricable. Yet while objectives haven't altered, oratory took a brazen turn. The trend now is to claim that Arabs are actually Nazism's true victims, that the Christian world, whining about the Jews, attempted to expiate its guilt at the expense of peace-loving Arabs by dumping a foreign Jewish entity in their midst. That was the gist of what Arab UN representatives, those who chose to opine about International Holocaust Remembrance Day, imparted. That's why they found it irresistible to diminish the Holocaust's enormity by likening it to Kosovo and Bosnia. That's why the Egyptian ambassador lectured that "no one can claim a monopoly on suffering." We're uncompetitive. We'd rather not have suffered any more than the Bosnians and Kosovars. But his sanctimony was lapped up by demonizers, intellectual ...



Congressional Record: Proceedings and Debates of the ... Congress

If ever there was a clear call for the Justice Department to act , and act vigorously ... of the prewar Arab National League , the organization affiliated with Hitler's German - American Bund .

United States. Congress · 1948



The Mystery of Iniquity: (Evil's Endtime Usurpation)

... Nazi political groups spring up throughout the Middle East; socialist nationalist party in Syria is led by Anton Saada (the Syrian fuhrer).

J. J. Cavali - 2015

Secret War in the Middle East: Covert Struggle for Syria, 1949-1961

Andrew Rathmell, Tauris Academic Studies, 1995 - Coups d'état - Page 183

14 - 47 ; ' Vers le classement de l ' affaire Saade ' , La Bourse Egyptienne , 11 April 1947 ; ' Le " Fuhrer ” libanais Antoun Saadé a établi son Q . G . dans la Montagne ' , La Bourse Egyptienne , 9 September 1947 . 173 . Rabbath , La Formation ...

Andrew Rathmell - 1995

Lebanon Executes Would-Be Hitler After Party's Rebellion Collapses; EXECUTED IN LEVANT LEBANON EXECUTES FASCIST CHIEFTAIN

By Albion Rossspecial To the New York Times.

July 9, 1949, Page 1

BEIRUT, Lebanon, July 8 -- Anton Saadeh, who tried from the little mountain land of Lebanon to become the Hitler of the Middle East and had maintained branches of his Syrian Popular party in the United States and Latin America, died early this morning before a firing squad.

Contemporary Mideast Backgrounder

Prof. Fayez Sayegh

Born in Syria ( 1922 ) , raised in Palestine , teaches at American Universi in Beirut and as visiting professor in various US universities , was active in Anton Saada ' s fascist - leaning Syrian National Party , set up and headed the PLO ' s ...


Icon of Evil: Hitler's Mufti and the Rise of Radical Islam - Page 40

Anton Saada. styled himself as the fuhrer of the Syrian nation and the party's banner even featured the swastika. So too the anti-Semitic  ...

David G. Dalin, ‎John F. Rothmann - 2008

The Arabs - Page 226

This was the Syrian Socialist Nationalist Party , or Parti populaire syrien ( PPS ) as it is more commonly known , founded by Antoun Saadeh , another Syrian Christian . More overtly fascist than the Baath , Saadeh's ideas placed great emphasis ...

Peter Mansfield - 1985

A proposito di Amin Al-Hussayni |

Nov 4, 2015 · ... Vale la pena di ripercorrere le tappe fondamentali della vita di quel dimenticato e malefico personaggio che iniziò la sua carriera come ufficiale dell’esercito turco ottomano impegnato nel genocidio degli Armeni con la consulenza di ufficiali tedeschi. Nel 1933, anno dell’ascesa al potere in Germania del Nazionalsocialismo hitleriano, gruppi politici arabo-nazisti sorsero in tutto il Medio Oriente. In Egitto si formò il Giovane Egitto, guidato da

Gamal Abd el-Nasser, membro dei Fratelli Musulmani e futuro Presidente dell’Egitto a seguito di un colpo di Stato che rovesciò il regime monarchico deponendo il re Ahmad Fuad II . Il loro slogan, “un popolo, un partito, un capo (rais)” era ispirato a quello dei nazisti: “ein volk, ein reich, ein Führer”, un popolo, un impero un capo. In Siria sorse il Partito Socialista guidato da Antoun Saadeh, più noto come “il Führer di Siria”. In quello stesso anno, Hitler ottenne l’appoggio e la simpatia di molti esponenti del mondo arabo.

Nel 1936 il banchiere svizzero del Terzo Reich, François Genoud, si recò in Palestina per ncontrare Al-Hussayni. La loro amicizia continuò fino agli anni Sessanta dello scorso secolo. A quella visita seguì una nuova ondata di disordini in Palestina. Al-Hussayni fu il principale regista di quelle rivolte. Organizzò squadroni di suicidi che utilizzò per eliminare le autorità locali a lui ostili. Applicò il metodo nazista dello “sterminio sistematico” di ogni arabo sospetto di non essere allineato con la visione pan-islamica dei “Fratelli musulmani”. Furono eliminati anche molti intellettuali musulmani e cristiani, così come diversi capi e uomini di culto islamici non allineati. Si instaurò un regime di terrore mirante a imporre l’ideologia wahabita.

Tra il 1936 e il 1938 furono assassinati dai gruppi di Al-Hussayni: lo ...

Neue Zürcher Zeitung › ch › der...

Der Glaube als politischer Faktor | NZZ

Apr 8, 2008 · ... die von dem griechisch-orthodoxen Libanesen Antoun Saadeh 1932 gegründete ... und Zyperns entdeckte der «Führer» Saadeh eine natürliche geografische Einheit

"Unsere Verbündeten im wilden Osten" | Telepolis - Heise

Jul 6, 2008 · Jahrhunderts bildeten, gehört die von dem griechisch-orthodoxen Libanesen Antoun Saadeh 1932 ... 

entdeckte der "Führer" Saadeh eine natürliche geographische Einheit , die lange vor der mohammedanischen Botschaft ..


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