Shukairy jihad

December 31, 1967

The Los Angeles Times from Los Angeles, California, 28

Shukairy Steps Down It Might Be Said that Terror is his middle name.

"We will wipe Israel off the face of the map and no Jew will survive," warned Ahmed Shukairy last June. 

As head of the clandestine Palestine Liberation Organization for the past four years, Shukairy has been responsible for the murders of dozens of Israeli men, women and children in bloody midnight raids across the borders of Jordan and Syria. 

A Jowly heavy-lidded Haifa lawyer, he fired up his followers with injunctions for a "sacred war," like the Koran's: "Kill them wherever you find them. Drive them out of the places from which they drove you." Israel and the Jews have by no means been Shukairy's only targets. - He hates the United States nearly as much and isn't terribly fond of Jordan either. With characteristic temperance he once said that anyone "who ever dares to speak in public of Arab friendship-with the United States in any Arab village or town would be torn to pieces." He once described Jordan's moderate king as the "tyrant of Amman, Hussein; who betrayed Allah, the Prophet...


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