Neo nazi Arab

Neo-Nazi with Jordanian roots charged with vandalizing U.S. synagogue

Wisconsin authorities say 22-year-old Yousef O. Barasneh, whose father immigrated from Amman, spray-painted swastikas on Beth Israel Sinai Congregation in Racine

Yulia Karra
Published: 01.19.20 , 19:46

A man of Jordanian descent has been charged in Wisconsin with vandalizing a synagogue as part of his activity with a white supremacist group called The Base.

Yousef O. Barasneh, 22, was charged Friday with violating citizens’ rights to property.

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel newspaper reported Barasneh spray-painted swastikas and other anti-Semitic symbols and slogans on Beth Israel Sinai Congregation in the city of Racine sometime between September 15 and 23 of last year.

Oak Creek man arrested in Racine synagogue vandalism case, faces  federal charges
January 18, 2020

Barasneh is a member of the violent white supremacist group called The Base....

Wisconsin man arrested for vandalizing synagogue for The Base hate group

JANUARY 22, 2020 

A Wisconsin man with Jordanian roots was arrested for vandalizing a synagogue as part of his involvement in a white supremacist and neo-Nazi hate group known as The Base.

Yousef Barasneh, 22, was arrested Friday as part of a nationwide investigation into the extremist group. Six other men were arrested on Thursday and Friday for their involvement in the group amid fears that some of them planned to travel with firearms to a pro-gun rights rally in Richmond, Virginia, being held Monday.

Barasneh is accused of spray-painting a swastika and other Nazi imagery, as well as the word “Jude,” German for Jew, on the building of the Beth Israel Sinai Congregation in Racine in September.

He is charged in a federal criminal complaint with planning other acts of vandalism against minority residents with the hate group, which has been active in Wisconsin, the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel reported.

Barasneh’s father immigrated to the United States from Amman, Jordan...

Barasneh was charged with one count of conspiring to violate citizens’ rights to use property free from threats and intimidation. If convicted, he faces a maximum sentence of 10 years in prison and a $250,000 fine, according to the newspaper...

part of nationwide campaign he called Operation Kristallnacht, a reference to the 1938 pogrom against Jewish homes, synagogues and Jewish-owned businesses in Germany and Austria.

Son of Muslim Immigrant Joins Nazis, Vandalizes Wisconsin Synagogue

Does America have such a Nazi shortage that we need immigration to import more?

Fri Jan 24, 2020 
Daniel Greenfield

Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.

In Wisconsin, the dairy capital of the nation, Muslims and Nazis revisited their old alliance when Yousef Barasneh, the son of a Jordanian immigrant active in the Muslim community, joined the Neo-Nazi group, The Base (which shares the meaning of its name with Al Qaeda), and vandalized a synagogue.

The synagogue, Beth Israel Sinai Congregation in Racine, had the term, “Jude”, German for “Jew”, swastikas, the symbol of the Nazi Secret Service, and The Base white supremacist symbol, scrawled on it in September. Later that year, a Base leader ratted out Yousef as the perpetrator to the FBI.

Yousef’s father, Omar Barasneh, can be seen praying on the Temple Mount in a photo montage on Facebook..

Lloydtown: Muslim neo-Nazi?

Defacing a synagogue, you say? There might have been one in Michigan, but the one that gets mentioned a lot is in Racine, Wisconsin. This specific violent act--one of the very few actually carried out by the neo-Nazi cell--was actually perpetrated by a guy named Yousef Omar Barasneh. Not one of the three northern European-looking guys whose photos are in every news story about this. Surely the son of this engineer, who lives in Oak Creek and identifies Yousef as a close relative. Went to high school in Jordan... . His wife went to high school in Milwaukee, but now appears on Facebook wearing a hijab.


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