August 16, 2020

Israeli TV Kan11 reports massive widespread mental affects and trauma, residents of Sderot endure as a result of Arab Palestinian attacks from Gaza.

The mental toll on Sdetot resudents.
Many are treated..


Sderot's children are suffering post-traumatic stress - Haaretz 

Jun 12, 2006 · ... their mental health -- whether in Gaza or Sderot-- is reaching new alarming high. (Although Sderot kids are .

Rockets raining on Sderot take physical and mental toll on city



Rockets raining on Sderot take physical and mental toll on city

By Orit Arfa
May 25, 2007

It’s a smooth car ride to Sderot.
There’s very little traffic on this Sunday between Jerusalem and the battered city. Sunflower fields line the road and then the vast prairies of the Negev; it’s difficult to fathom that only a few kilometers away rockets are raining.

We stop for gas and notice a blond woman heading out to the highway.

“Want a tremp [ride]?” my friend, the driver, asks.

“Where are you going?” she responds.

“Sderot,” he says.

She shakes her head with an “are you crazy?” look. “I just came from there. I’m not going back.”

The entrance to Sderot is crowded with policemen. A sign is posted on a car nearby; it reads, in Arabic: “F— YOU, HAMAS.”

Israeli border town lives in the shadow of falling rockets - The New York Times

May 31, 2007 · SDEROT, Israel — Kobi Cohen was 2 years old when a Qassam ... But psychologists and mental health workers here  .

The New Humanitarian › 2008/01/27

Relentless rocket attacks take psychological toll on children in Sderot  - The New Humanitarian
Jan 27, 2008

Letter from Sderot Mental Health Center's Dr. Adriana Katz to ...

Oct 21, 2009 · My name is Dr. Adriana Katz and for the past 15 years I have served as the Head Psychiatrist at the Mental Health Center

Psyches scarred by constant trauma as Gaza's rockets fall on Sderot
Nov 16, 2012 · The effects of the attacks are psychological as much as physical. Katz runs Sderot's mental health centre

Sderot psychiatrist: Health Ministry abandoned city

NOVEMBER 15, 2012 23:13

Unseen Scars of War: Psychological Consequences of the Hamas ...

Jul 20, 2014 · Missile attacks against Israeli residents of Sderot have resulted in major PTSD symptoms and significant disruption to lives

As the rockets from Gaza fall, our therapists run to their clients

The director of a crisis and intervention centre in southern Israel explains how they help children handle the psychological trauma of living under rocket fire

Sep. 20, 2019

The "Resilience Study" in the Gaza Envelope reveals: Every second resident suffers from ongoing trauma

Data from the Resilience Center and Ben-Gurion University show that 48% of the residents experience mental fatigue, to the point of inability to cope with life.  To this end, a school adapted to the needs of the area's children was established in the Eshkol Regional Council

Gaza Rockets: More Than An ‘Inconvenience’


An Israeli mother protects her children during a rocket attack alert in the southern Israeli Kibbutz of Kfar Aza, on January 7, 2009 (Photo: JACK GUEZ/AFP via Getty Images)

Imagine if you lived in New York City and every few weeks, explosive projectiles were fired indiscriminately over the River Hudson from New Jersey. How would you cope being caught in the open during such an attack? What about your children? Would you sleep soundly knowing that you might be woken in the dead of night by a siren giving you 15 seconds to get to a reinforced room or a bomb shelter?

Since 2001, Palestinians have launched thousands of rockets and mortars from Gaza towards Israeli communities in the south of the country, and sometimes even beyond. While Israeli casualties have been low in proportion to the number of rockets fired, this is not from a lack of incentive on the part of Palestinian terrorists who are attempting to cause as many deaths and injuries as possible.



The pair: Neve Gordon & Nicola Perugini

Nicola Perugini's oveview writing 2008-2020:

In Dec.31.2008, instead of simply blaming Hamas for targeting civilians in Sderot, he blamed rather Israel, that it could supposedly stop the violence, if it didn't go after terror masterminds...

In November 26, 2012 he basically dismissed the seriousness of the trauma of Sderot civilians from the barrage of attacks by Gaza (terror) government Hamas. He titled his piece "Wesponizing Trauma." But couldn't provide a single refutation of the hard facts including on PTSD. But , the underline, he seemed awfully pained that Israelis can be looked as victims.

His theme during the years is basically along the lines of a "colonial" force and "occupation," diatribe, which by he uses to dismiss Israeli civilian lives.

There is that bigoted undertone, albeit indirectly, one comes out with the impression to see Israelis which Hamas targets, in their houses, as "powerful occupiers". One might even get the blurred confusion that every Israeli child is some kind of a "tank".


In April- 2015, together with that other fringe: Neve Gordon denounced even anti-Israel biased HRW for its criticism of Hamas' use of human shields.

Realizing the government of Gaza's bestislity use of it's people hurt their image, (I said image, you get the point), the pair has worked for years to turn the tables and use the entire human shields issue against Israel and (so often subtle) indirect covering for Hamas.

Yet, naturally, will never elaborate on the hypothesis if Israel would not care o much about Arab civilian lives (unlike their leadership), what would have happened to Gaza...

Well, well, what do you know, they got finally a "book." Titled "Human Shields." No less.

They used, over the years, to archive selectively what and how they wanted to be included in archives. And worked for years how to counter the facts with silly essays. 

By now, in its current evolved mutation, it looks like an "academic" work. It seeks to claim to be a book about human shields as a whole, supposedly, to fool the reader it's not about anti-Israell propaganda. Of course more general info was added later on, to make it appear "authentic" research.

If this pair would really care about human shields, we would hear them screaming against Hamas guys. Not merely not protesting against those that do. But they have actively done far worse, angry at the criticism of their sugarcoated vicious Hamas sacrificing their own people.



To get a taste of how far radical this activist "author" is:

In Feb.13.2020 Tweeted:

'Dear @eDreams, @opodo, @AirbnbHelp, @bookingcom, the United Nations says that you are providing services which are crucial to the perpetration of human rights violations and war crimes (illegal settlements in occupied territories).' Can you please explain?'

A settlement "crime against humanity". So said this "academic" Al-Jazeera reporter.

He tweeted in May-15-2020: 

'No return of the Palestinian refugees to their homeland, no peace. #Nakba72'

That's right. An "academic" militant.

To see how erroneously hot headed this guy is, see an example of how he portrayed D. Pipes May 7 2020 Nytimes piece: "Annexing the West Bank Would Hurt Israel", he deemed a line (from teason number sixth) as "liberal racial hatred," while the clear intention was not against a group of people but about the facts on the ground, of populations, changes.

'Are you looking for a definition of liberal racial hatred? Read Daniel Pipes against Israel’s annexation of the Palestinian West Bank in the @nytopinion'



* Already defined as an extremist in 2001 [M.E. Quarterly, 2001:];

* whose articles appeared on neo Nazi sites [];

* who at the height of Arafat's intifada butchery pictured himself with him and stating [lying to the world] he is not sure he is responsible for the terror attacks. [Ynet, 2002:];

* who on 2007 persecuted an Israeli student who challenged his anti-Jewish incitement via false statement [a gross lie, talk about trustworthy]:
... offended by his phraseology and said Gordon was bordering on anti-Semitism by deeming these roads “Jewish roads.” The student described for the class the complete freedom of movement of Israeli Arabs (Arabs with Israeli citizenship) on Israeli roads inside Israel and inside the West Bank. Therefore by calling the roads “Jewish” and not Israeli Gordon was being anti-Semitic...'
The student was then targeted by this "professor" and humiliated.

* and who in 2009 openly called for boycotting Israel [].


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