

The Detroit Jewish News
December 15, 1962, p.2

Purely Commentary
by Philip Slomovitz

The Name-Calling Arab 'Statesmen'

Ahmad Shukairy, Saudi Arabia's delegate to the United Nations, found enough venom in his system to speak for five hours in his attack not only upon Israel but also upon Christian fellow-members of the great international organization.

Michael S. Comay sized him up correctly when he said that Shukairy's long attack could be summed up in four words: "Israel must be eliminated".
There is no doubt that the vast majority of the UN delegates felt as Comay did-- that Shukairy's was an "ugly and distorted image of Israel."

The pay-off came when Shukairy first attacked Dr. Joseph E. Johnson, the American representative who was sent on a special mission to the Middle East and who reported on his findings regarding Palestine Conciliation Commision; and then proceeded to berate Prof. Enrique Rodriguez' Fabregat, whom he described as a Jew who called himself a Uruguayan but who really was an exile, a refugee or a citizen of Israel.

Prof. Fabregat found it necessary to assert that he was at the UN to serve his country. "Governed by my Spanish Christian ancestors. . . I believe we can no longer listen to the sort of language which was used here this morning. It is much more fitting to past ages."


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