Re: Moshe Shemesh on Shuqayri  shukairy

Ahmad  al-Shuqayri / Shukeiri / Shukairy (ash-Shuqayri) is best known for his statement ahead of the 1967 six day war to "throw the Jews into the sea." 1 2

As printed in 1970, Shukairy didn't deny it, but explained that this was the official Arab outlook as a while. Not just his alone. This statement by Shukairy, makes most sense:

The New Middle East, Issues 16-39 - New Middle East 1970 - p.4
Mr Shukairy claims that when in his days of glory he publicly advocated the liquidation of Israel and “sweeping of the Jews into the sea”, he reflected the accepted official Arab outlook, an outlook that was changed only by the outcome of the war of 1967. 
Mr Shukairy is indignant that such extremism should be fathered on him alone ... 

As reported by Swiss journalist, historian J. Kimche who made trips to the middle east, written in article titled:
Does anyone really want peace? –An attempt at an honest answer by Jon Kimche Why should we not hope?

Moshe Shemesh:

Moshe Shemesh published an extensive piece and attempts to refute it the way as it was accepted for decades. By Arabs and Jews. 
Yet, he didn't convince much why Shukairy didn't deny it when it was published in French paper before the six-day-war, at the Arab hype and excitement before defeat.

The completely different phrases, throwing someone ONTO or INTO the sea which Shukairy is so well known for VS shipping someone BY sea which Shukairy later on tried to revise, are heaven and Earth.
How did he reconcile the two?

Especially, that this phrase Jews into sea was already uttered in the Arab world, unambiguously and openly genocidal. Such as on August 1, 1948 head of Moslem Brotherhood's, H. al-Banna:
['Aim to Oust Jews Pledged by Sheikh,' NYTimes, Aug.2.1948 - Sheikh Hassan el-Bana, head of the Moslem Brotherhood, largest of the extremist Arab nationalist organizations, declared in an interview today: "If the Jewish state becomes a fact, and this is realized by the Arab peoples, they will drive the Jews who live in their midst into the sea. 

Kauakji, even earlier, since at least April 1948;
[Daily News from New York, New York on April 6, 1948, p.162. Syrian Leader Blasts Jews With French 75s By ROBERT CONWAY (Staff Correspondent..) Jerusalem, April 5. Fawzi Bey el Kaukji, field commander of Syrian troops in Palestine, today blasted the Jewish colony of Mishmar Haemek with French 75s... his initial big scale action "to drive the Jews into the sea. . 'History Today,' Peter Quennell, 1959, p.266: They were confident of their ability to drive the Jews into the sea ... One such was Abdul Qadir Hussaini, a cousin of the Mufti, who played a prominent part in cutting off Jewish Jerusalem from Tel Aviv, until he was killed in April 1948, Another was Fawzial Kaukji.,+jews+into+sea ]

and -
Iraqi rep. in the UN, F. Jamali own description in speaking to the Arab League February 6 1955.
[Muhammad Khalil: 'International Affairs,' 1962, p.234 ]

Reports in 1951:
[The Daily Times from New Philadelphia, Ohio on August 17, 1951, p.6
The greatest immediate danger to peace in the Near East today is the Arab refusal to become reconciled to the existence of Israel on the shores of the Holy Land. Grave fears prevail among American and other Western diplomats in the area that the recent assassination of King Abdullah of Jordan may lead to a resumption of Arab hostilities against the Jewish state. The ill-fated King, who was shot through the heart in Jerusalem by an Arab terrorist... This burning issue is fanning the flames of religious fanaticism and fostering fierce nationalism. 
Denied by the Western powers the arms they would like to secure for another effort to drive the Jews into the sea....

And reporting nearly three years before the six-day war:
[The Pittsburgh Press from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on September 11, 1964, p.25
He said that publicly Nasser still ranted about "pushing the Jews Into the sea." But as Arab leaders go, Mr. Ben-Yaacov said, Nasser is by no means the worst ..
The Observer from London, Greater London, England on September 13, 1964. p.2
But in the past few months President Nasser has taken the lead in explaining to his fellow Arabs some of the difficulties involved in " liberating " Palestine and in "driving the Jews into the sea." 

Yet, it goes even further back.
To 1938, which might refute the rewriting logic:

The Corpus Christi Caller-Times from Corpus Christi, Texas on September 21, 1938 · Page 3
Nearly 2,000 Persons Killed in Two Years of War Waged by Arabs To Drive Jews Into Sea Palestine Has Become Home of Murder, Arson and Pillage on Wholesale Scale, Knickerbocker Declares (Editor's Note: Nearly 2,000 persons have been killed in the two years of war waged by Arabs to drive the Jews into the sea and the British out of Palestine. H. R. Knickerbocker, the noted foreign correspondent of International News Service, reveals in the following article, third of a series of 12 on "War in the Holy Land." In this installment, the Pulitzer prize winning journalist tells how Palestine has become the home ol mm der, arson and pillage on a wholesale scale not equalled elsewhere in the world except in the war...

But, what's most striking from that language to Shukairy's post war attempts is, you have both in one sentence with two completely different distinction. Arabs' aim: expelling the Brits and driving the Jews into sea. A clear contradiction to post-war Shukairy's argument.  

It always meant what it really meant, elimination.

Asides from this phrase having been used in 1920 Sudan as a "holy war" to kill non believers, and in 1944 defending against Nazis' attempt to drive the allies into the sea.
It was never used as in Shukairy's attempts to rehabilitate, years after Arabs' defeat and his own political demise.. 

Moreover, about a year prior to the 1967 war, Syrian Defense Minister used it in detail
with full its genocidal explanation, May 24, 1966:
[Congressional Proceedings and Debates of the ... Congress, United States. Congress · 1967 · Law
May 24, 1966, Syrian Defense Minister Hafez Assad: “We say: We shall never call for, nor accept peace. . . . We have resolved to drench this land with our blood, to oust you, aggressors, and throw you into the sea for good.” 

Another powerful proof against Shukairy's rehabilitation attempt is,  the vast distinction from the horse's mouth. In 1957, he said that he just wants the Jews "back" where they came from, but not to throw then into the sea. This clearly means, that when ten years later he did call to throw the Jews into the sea, he eventually meant annihilation, exactly what he in 1957 claimed he doesn't wish...

From: Democrat and Chronicle, Rochester, New York, October 3, 1957, p.10
Saudi Arabia Attacks West, Supports Syria UNITED NATIONS, Oct. 2 (AP) -Saudi Arabia today blamed Western nations for Middle East tension and called for a U.N. "hands off" policy toward Syria.
Ahmad Shukairy... Saudi Arabia, told the 82-nation General Assembly "it is the policy of the West that is destroying ties with the Arabs." He proclaimed Saudi Arabia's full solidarity with Syria and asserted shipments of Communist arms to that country are no business of the United Nations. He called for the United Nations to establish an agency to "facilitate the repatriation of Israelis to their former homes." He said "we do not intend to throw the Jews to the sea," but wish them "a better and happier life in their homelands, where they can settle, under U.N. auspices." Deplored by British Shukairy is a Palestinian Arab who represented Syria at past U.N. sessions. He is head of the U.N. delegation for Saudi Arabia, whose King Saud is re carded bv the United States as a friend in the Middle fast..

And of course there was never any mentioning of a boat or a ship by Shukairy's 1967 pre war line, mind you. Why would he? Before he revised it years later, when he bragged that "non of them will survive."

I actually found (probably) earlier, this strange explanation / rewriting attempt by Shukairy, as author Ovid Demaris writes a decade after that war.
But, the elephant in the room is missing by Shemesh's compilation, the context of "extermination" that is.

Here is from Demaris:

Ovid Demaris, 'Brothers in Blood: The International Terrorist Network,' 137,S  1977, p.137
"Jews who were living permanently in Palestine until the beginning of the Zionist invasion will be considered Palestinians,” Article 6 reads, but it does not define when the “Zionist invasion” began.
Other documents issued by the PLO and al - Fatah have dated it variously as from the creation of the State of Israel in 1948 or from the publication of the Balfour Declaration in 1917. In his speech before the United Nations on November 13, 1974, Arafat extended the date even further in the past declaring, “The Jewish invasion of Palestine began in 1881."

By almost any three definitions, most Jews presently living in Israel would be considered illegal immigrants in a PLO - dominated Palestine and either driven out or exterminated.
Shukeiri in his heyday as head of the PLO often spoke of "driving the Jews into the sea.” Later, for the same reason the article was originally kept secret, he explained that what he meant by this was that “since Jews had come to Palestine by sea they should return to their homes the same way."
The PLO has at times, especially today, attempted to project a moderate imageby talking about replacing Israel with a “democratic , secular Palestine in which Muslims, Christians, and Jews would live together equally." 
The fact is that there is not one example of a democratic or secular state anywhere in the Arab or Muslim world. The lack of democracy is generally known; what is not so well known is that each and every Arab state includes in its constitution an article establishing Islam as the state religion.

[By the way, it is highly likely Arafat suggested 1881, since books by historians were testifying, describing vast lands vacant in Palestine prior to the 1880s.]

Thus, even if Shemesh believes Shukairy's retraction which only came after the defeated war, What then about the extermination in hand?

Shemesh also tries to sugarcoat Shuqayri that his statement was in the context of hype in Arab street. Quote: "His declaration of June 2, 1967 should be viewed against the backdrop of war fervor against Israel that enflamed the Arab world during the Middle East crisis that erupted on May 15, 1967 when Egyptian..."

More over, the same author/professor who wrote so much on Arab-Palestinians and their history, apparently onitted Shukairy's (Nov.30.1962) Nazi Tacuara salute, which got him booted from the UN (end of 1962). That at least according to Google's result to search as follows: 'Your search - "moshe shemesh" "tacuara" - did not match any book results.' Or a Google search inside his extensive book on their politics between 1959-1974, neither "Tacuara," nor "Argentina" has returned any results but plenty for "Shuqayri." And has even a full chapter about him. Nor could one find anything about the scandalous Shuqayri attack on Uruguay's Enrique-Fabregat (Dec.1961) stating he was supposedly a Jew and therefore can not claim to represent his county Urugay, but he, represents, Israel. 

Enough said. 

Then again, what he doesn't seem to realize, by putting it in "context" of Arab street, there lies an admission, that it only reaffirms that Shukairy impressed the blood thirsty Arab street. Excatly the point, that he meant not shipping "away". He can't have it both ways. [That the Jews should just vacate Palestine and that Golda Meir and others should go back to Europe, that he has already said
previously on other occasions. Before this "special occasion" enflamed Arab world he outs it in context with. So what was special and different this time about his message, unless genocide?
Here is an example of Shukairy seeking to vacate the Jews, as printed a decade before. In 1957:
U.S. News & World Report - Volume 43 - Page xcviii - 1957 (p.98)
Shukairy Speaks Sharply to the West...
Mr. Shukairy proposed:
• "Liberation" of Arab territory. 
• Outlawing Zionism. 
• Resettlement of Arabs in what is now Israel. 
Removal to Europe of most Jews in Israel. 

Still, even Shemesh concluded Shuqayri's June-1967 statement as follows: "his statement 'in my estimate none of them would remain alive' obviously sounded like the intention to destroy or liquidate the Jews and that their fate was sealed. It certainly lent credibility to the claim that he had called for throwing the Jews into the sea." And academic's summary of his research: "Nevertheless, it should be emphasized that it is clear from his statement that his aim was to annihilate the Jews when he said ‘I think none of them will remain alive’, thus there would be no question of their future survival".


Language and meaning: Phrase mever meant to "ship away"

* Phrase used in Sudan as a Jihad, holy war, 1920:

"Drive the unbelievers into the sea!"

Buffalo Morning Express and Illustrated Buffalo Express 
Buffalo, New York
22 Aug 1920, Sun  •  Page 21

He held himself erect and motionless, except for the arms which swayed to and from in slow, impressive gestures. - ' "I say to you : Rise, you Moslem and sons of Moslem ! Work hand in hand! Drive the unbelievers into the sea! Plant the seed of might in the blessed soil of this land. And Allah will cause it to grow. For He is the most high peak of men, all-powerful and all understanding...
Has white fear crept stealthily into your hearts? "I proclaim war!  proclaim the holy war! "I proclaim that Allah commands you to strike for the faith. It is war in the name of the True Prophet on whom peace! Whirl as the millstone whirls on its axis, relentless, resistless. Carry death into the ranks of the cursed infidels. Kill the unbelieving dogs." Graves was within ten yards of the raised earthen platform now. The figure of the speaker above him towered like a tall monument.. Beside the platform Graves could see a white dome-shaped tent with a broad green banner above it, the banner of the Prophet Mohammed. Around him he recognized the faces of Kroo and Galla, chiefs he knew, of B'nga of Wakili, of W'za of Lah id i, Ch'lka of Baronga and many others. The speaker seemed to grow rigid. His right hand shot upward with the fist clenched. "Rise and strike for the faith! Kill kill for the faith of the Prophet! It is war, the holy war!" Graves- edged forward to the front rank. He could hear nothing but shouts of "Kill, kill," in Kroo and Galla, in hacking Soudanese, in the nasal Arabic of the Bedouin, in a hundred dialects. "Kill, kill for the Prophet!" 

* Phrase used in WW2, 1944:

"against Germans who had appeared to be making a third major effort to drive the Allies Into the sea"

Louisville, Kentucky
02 Mar 1944, Thu  •  Page 1
Allies Block Nazi Lunge-At Beachead
... although the Nazis applied pressure at several points along the perimeter of the British and American lines. Field guns and mortars roared against Germans who had appeared to be making a third major effort to drive the Allies Into the sea. Allied Attack Reported. The Nazi-controlled Rome radio broadcast a report tonight that the Allies were attacking. 

Moshe Shemeh in 'Israel Studies', 2003, p.78

The version in the Lebanese newspaper al-Yawm gives the impression of being closer to the truth than the doctored one in Shuqayri's memories. Although radical, the statement does not appear to imply that he intended to throw the Jews who "remained in Filastin," into the sea "if any remained." His intention was that they would be deported overseas, by ship, to their countries of origin, in other words, by the same way they came to Israel. At the same time, his statement "in my estimate none of them would remain alive" obviously sounded like the intention to destroy or liquidate the Jews and that their fate was sealed. It certainly lent credibility to the claim that he had called for throwing the Jews into the sea.

Abstracts 11  [BGU.AC.IL]
Did Shuqayri Call to Throw the Jews into the Sea?
Moshe Shemesh
On the eve of the Six Days War, Ahmad al-Shuqayri, the PLO Chairman in the
years 1964-1967, made a statement in Amman that implied throwing the Jews of
Israel into the sea following the successful occupation of Israel by the Arab armies.
According to Shuqayri, Israeli propaganda defamed his alleged statement as indication or proof of the Arabs’ hostility towards Israel thus justifying her military offensive on 5 June 1967. Western and Arab researchers also used this declaration against Shuqayri himself after the war.
Shuqayri categorically denied this allegation but failed to convince. He argued that ‘This was one of the biggest lies the Zionist propaganda had spread’. Helena
Cobban wrote in her book The Palestinian Liberation Organization: People, Power and Politics(1984): ‘For his part, Shuqayri was remembered in later years, even by many Palestinians as the man who gave the Palestinians a bad name by threatening to throw the Jews into the sea’.
The origin of this allegation was a statement Shuqayri made in Amman on 2 June 1967, and which was published by the Lebanese newspaper al-Yom, on 3 June 1967. 
According to the newspaper, Shuqayri was asked at a press conference ‘What would happen to the inhabitants of Israel if the Arabs won the war?’. To this Shuqayri replied: ‘We will endeavor to help them and ease their departure [from Israel] through the sea to the countries from which they came [to Israel]’. To the question what would be the destiny of the Israelis who were born in Israel, Shuqayri answered:
‘All those who will remain alive [of the Israelis who were born in Israel] will stay in Filastin, but I think none of them will remain alive’.
The study concludes that Shuqayri’s statement was indeed an expression of extreme enmity towards Israel, but it did not imply throwing ‘the Jews who remain in Filastin, if any will remain’, into the sea. His intention was that those who remained alive would be deported to the countries of their origin, in ships via the sea, the same way they had arrived in Israel. Nevertheless, it should be emphasized that it is clear from his statement that his aim was to annihilate the Jews when he said ‘I think none of them will remain alive’, thus there would be no question of their future survival.


A Look at the Palestine Liberation Organization - The New York Times
Nov 13, 1974
Credit...The New York Times Archives  
[November 13, 1974, Page 16]

Background — The Palestine Liberation Organization was founded in East Jerusalem in 1964 to act as the political representative of Palestinian Arabs. The organization started with a fighting force of its own, and after the June war of 1967, it became the umbrella for the diverse guerrilla groups operating against Israel. Their strength estimated at 10,000.
The original chairman was Ahmed Shukairy, whose threats to drive Israel into the sea—reinforced by atrocities against civilians—did much to shape the view abroad that the organization was purely terrorist. His polemics apparently cost him the support of the Egyptians as they groped for a peaceful settlement after the war in 1967, and Mr. Shukairy resigned in December of that year.
Structure—Officially the headquarters of the P.L.O. is in Damascus, but the real center of operations is in Beirut. The principal administrative organ is an Executive Committee of 13 members, six of whom represent guerrilla groups, the rest being unaffiliated professionals and intellectuals, A 43‐member Central Council acts as a consultative body for the Executive Committee, the chairman of which is Yasir Arafat of Al Fatah (Conquest)...

P.L.O., Set Back in Lebanon, Told by Allies to Compromise
By Henry Tanner Special to The New York Times
Dec 10, 1976 · ... its first chief, Ahmed Shukairy, a firebrand orator who was forever exhorting the Arabs to throw the Jews into the sea.

Opinion | FOREIGN AFFAIRS; The Lessons of Hate - The New York Times
Apr 10, 1988 · Ahmed Shukairy, then the Palestinians' leader, preached holy war at the Great Mosque ... the Friday before the war began, promising to ''throw the Jews into the sea..


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