Re: Moshe Shemesh on Shuqayri shukairy

Ahmad al-Shuqayri / Shukeiri / Shukairy (ash-Shuqayri) is best known for his statement ahead of the 1967 six day war to "throw the Jews into the sea." 1 2 As printed in 1970, Shukairy didn't deny it, but explained that this was the official Arab outlook as a while. Not just his alone. This statement by Shukairy, makes most sense: The New Middle East, Issues 16-39 - New Middle East 1970 - p.4 Mr Shukairy claims that when in his days of glory he publicly advocated the liquidation of Israel and “sweeping of the Jews into the sea”, he reflected the accepted official Arab outlook, an outlook that was changed only by the outcome of the war of 1967. Mr Shukairy is indignant that such extremism should be fathered on him alone ... As reported by Swiss journalist, historian J. Kimche who made trips to the middle east, written in article titled: Does anyone really want peace? –An attempt at...